Chapter 7

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CW: Panic attack

Wednesday sat in the library for a few moments to compose herself.

She could deal with this.

It's possible that Enid didn't know what she was doing.

She was sleeping after all.

It could have easily been an accident.

Yeah, an accident.


The curse was wrong.

It didn't have a hold over her.

She refused to believe it.

That's what she kept telling herself, for the potential truth was too frightening a prospect to entertain, especially with her most recent revelation that she still had yet to fully process.

Closing the tome, Wednesday slowly walked out of the library, heart heavy with the implications of everything.

The last thing she wanted to do was hurt Enid.

She never wanted her to lose her smile, as sappy and revolting as the sentiment was.

While she still had yet to come to terms with her more... involved feelings for the young wolf, she could admit to herself that she did care deeply about her, and the thought of being the reason she was upset...

She couldn't handle that again.

Not after the red duffle bag incident.

She still shuddered every time she saw it.

"Wednesday? Are you alright, my darling?" Morticia asked, looking at her daughter who seemed paler than usual, brow furrowed deeply and contemplation showing openly on her usually neutral expression, concerning the older Addams woman greatly. "Come. Sit." Morticia instructed.

"Mother, please... Enid is waiting for me." She protested, but when fixed with a stern look, Wednesday huffed quietly and sat down on the couch cushion separate from her mother.

"Now, what's got you so morose, my little storm cloud?" Gomez asked, taking a short puff of his cigar as he swirled his drink in the glass.

Wednesday started to fidget with her hands, something she hadn't done since she was small, her parents sharing a look with great concern.

"Wednsd-" Morticia started.

"Please. Don't." She murmured, uncharacteristically quiet.

"Darling, please. I know something's bothering you. Let us help." Morticia implored her with a soft and caring voice.

"If I say it, it makes it true. And I cannot have that. It cannot be true. I forbit it. It will ruin everything. I cannot." Wednesday rambled, her breathing starting to get shaky as the panic started to set in.

"Wednesday... Breathe. It's going to be okay. Gomez, get Enid. Now." She instructed, not daring to touch her daughter for fear she would only upset her further.

Gomez got up immediately and ran to the stairs, going up them and knocking loudly on Wednesday's bedroom door urgently.

"What's wro-" Enid started, only to notice the genuine concern on the Addams father's face.

"Come. Quicky." He urged, taking her wrist, and practically dragging her down the stairs after him.

The second Enid saw Wednesday, she rushed to her side, immediately pulling her onto her lap, wrapping her arms around her tightly, starting to rock them back and forth gently, stroking her hands over her long hair as Wednesday gripped blindly at her oversized pink Tshirt, struggling to get a decent breath as she fell further and further into panic, silent tears streaming down her face.

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