Chapter 1

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"Enid, may I discuss something with you?" Wednesday asked, swallowing thickly as she slowly walked towards Enid's side of their room.

"Sure. Whasup?" She grinned, turning towards Wednesday to give her her full attention.

"I regret that I must ask for your assistance on a personal matter." Wednesday stated, slowly sitting down beside Enid on her colourful bed.

"Are you okay?" Enid asked, suddenly filled with concern.

"I am fine, but I appreciate your concern. However, I was hoping you might accompany me to my family reunion over the school break at the manor?" Wednesday asked.

"I'm flattered. But I feel like there's more to this request." Enid replied, eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"Impressive. You've been picking things up from me. Yes, your intuition is correct. My motives for asking are not entirely pure. My family has been pestering me regarding a paramour, and I cannot suffer through another family reunion with inane questions regarding when I will find a partner. Therefore, I was hoping you'd assist me with a ruse by pretending to be my girlfriend."

"G-girlfriend?!" Enid stuttered in disbelief.

"Yes. Would that be something you'd be willing to assist me with?" Wednesday asked, cautiously hopeful she'd agree as Enid was the person she trusted the most to achieve this ruse successfully.

Enid was certain she'd misheard Wednesday because there was no way in HELL that she had just asked her to be her girlfriend, even if it was her fake girlfriend.

There was no way that this was real.

She wanted to pinch herself but was worried it would seem too weird.

A confusing swirl of feelings fluttered around in her stomach and chest, ones she had never let herself think too deeply on and was too scared to verbally name that she felt for her dark and monotonous roommate.

She'd complained to Yoko about these confusing feelings a few times, only for her vampire bestie to tell her to get her head out of her ass and just say something to Wednesday, but she never found the nerve to do so, too worried that it would strain the good relationship they currently had or make Wednesday uncomfortable or even angry.

"What would I need to do exactly?" Enid asked, masking her inner turmoil with a smirk, knowing she had a unique opportunity to make Wednesday just as uncomfortable as she had unknowingly made her.

"Affection is something that comes as natural as breathing for my family and their partners, so that would be something we would need to emulate." Wednesday replied.

"Such as?" Enid asked, feigning innocence.

"You know very well what that entails." Wednesday replied curtly.

"I'm only teasing. Relax. I'll help you. Since you asked so nicely. How long is the reunion?"

"It's a week. But it would be best if you could stay for an extra week, so we have time to prepare. Would you be amenable to that?" Wednesday asked, relieved that Enid had agreed.

"I'll have to ask my parents, but something tells me they will be fine with it. And it will be a nice break from my mother." She joked half-heartedly, but Wednesday knew how much Esther Sinclair's comments truly bothered Enid.

"Wonderful. Once you have permission, I will inform my parents of your attendance. We will, of course, need to start the ruse as soon as we arrive at the manor so as to not arouse suspicion. We will however have the privacy of my room to discuss things freely."

"Wedns... You know that there will be a full moon during that time, right?" Enid asked carefully.

"And?" She replied, cocking an eyebrow as she tilted her head to look at her. "We have a large estate with more than enough room in the woods for you to run around freely should you wish to. There have been a few werewolves in my family over the years, so it won't be an issue." Wednesday continued, watching as Enid let out a sigh of relief.

Fake it till you make itTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon