Chapter 14

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Content warning: Mild NSFW
This chapter is gonna get heated.

"It has been years. I have not seen you since-"

"Camp Chippewa, yeah." He smiled, only then noticing Enid, who was glaring at the boy, a low growl rumbling in her chest that Wednesday felt more than heard.

"Why are you here, Joel?" Wednesday asked pointedly, rubbing Enid's back in an attempt to keep her calm, feeling her claws starting to poke out against her back.

"I was invited, of course." He laughed, like it was the most obvious thing. "I see a few things have changed since we last saw each other." He noted, taking in the unbroken physical contact she had with Enid, who was still growling, despite having moved her nose to Wednesday's neck, glaring at him over her shoulder as she inhaled her scent deeply to try and keep herself calm.

"Yes, this is Enid. My girlfriend." Wednesday replied, turning in Enid's arms, the possessive wolf keeping her arms tightly around her middle.

"Nice to see you made some friends." He smiled, completely oblivious as he held out a hand to shake hers. "Joel Glicker. Nice to meet you."

"Be nice, Enid." Wednesday whispered, stroking her arm with her thumb, Enid begrudgingly letting go with one hand to shake his, claws out as she did.

"Enid Sinclair." She replied curtly, still deciding if he was a threat or not.

Joel shook her hand firmly, turning it when he noticed her brightly coloured claws.

"Oh, did I forget to mention. Enid's a werewolf. And a monstrous one at that." Wednesday smirked as Enid let go of his hand, immediately wrapping it back around Wednesday, preening at her compliment, nuzzling against her cheek.

At the action, Joel noticed her facial scars, deciding against commenting on them.

"It really is nice to see you again, Wednesday." Joel smiled, taking her hand, and placing a kiss to the back of it, the action making her skin crawl and Enid start to vibrate with barely contained anger. Wednesday quickly pulled her hand back, just barely catching Enid's hand in time as she moved to swipe at him, her claws catching the edge of his suit jacket sleeve.

How dare he be so presumptuous as to touch her raven!

How dare he touch her at all!

Enid growled threateningly, fangs on full display as she put herself between Wednesday and Joel, glaring up at him.

"You don't get to touch her. Only I can." Enid growled, furious he crossed her touch boundary.

Sensing Enid was on the edge of losing control, her whole body vibrating with barely contained anger that was threatening to be released at the completely oblivious boy; who seemed to have no idea how close to death he was, Wednesday decided it was wise to call it a night lest things become a bloodbath.

Perhaps another night.

It had been a while since there was bloodshed at a reunion.

"I believe we should retire for the evening. Come on Enid, let's go to bed. Pugsley, come along." Wednesday called, getting her brother's attention as she wrapped a hand around Enid's waist, leading her out of the ballroom, decidedly ignoring it when Enid decided to bash Joel's shoulder with more force than necessary when she passed him.

Pugsley fell into step with them, Joel moving to follow them, only to have the ballroom doors shut in his face by House.

Pugsley noticed Enid's agitation, deliberately not commenting on it as they made their way up the stairs, House offering a comforting vibration against Enid's hand on the banister.

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