Chapter 15

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Enid slowly woke up, feeling Wednesday's body curled around her own, her breath coming in even puffs against her neck, and the memories of the night before came flooding back.

The good and the bad ones.

Letting out a tired sigh, Enid felt Wednesday stir behind her.

"Good morning, Enid." Came a husky voiced, still half-asleep Wednesday, feeling her puffed yawn against the back of her neck.

Rolling over in her arms, Enid looked down at Wednesday, her hair in a mess around her.

She looked so beautiful.

"Enid I..." Wednesday tried, looking away with embarrassment and shame.

With a sigh, Wednesday sat up, Enid following suit, turning to face each other as Wednesday took Enid's hands in her own, resting them over her knees.

"There are not enough words in the English language, or any of the other various languages I know, that adequately expresses how deeply regretful I am for my actions last night. It was all very new, but... not entirely unwanted." She admitted with a furious blush. "And when you touched my scar... I... I was thrust back into reliving the moment I was stabbed. But that does not excuse my abhorrent behaviour. I should have never pushed you the way I did last night. I should have stopped when you asked me to. It is inexcusable that I did not, and I would understand if you wanted to leave now and never wish to see or speak to me again."

"I'm not going anywhere Wedns. I should probably also apologise for touching you without asking first. I... You remember how I said I had that daydream last night? W-well... It was about... That. But I know I went way too far. I should have never touched you like that. It was too intimate." She admitted with a furious blush that spread all the way down her chest.

"It would seem we are both deviants to a different degree." Wednesday replied, a tiny smile quirking in the corner of her mouth, remembering how Enid's mouth felt against her breast, the thought alone starting to get her worked up again.

Enid liked her breasts.

She filed that information away for later.

'I am not upset with you for touching me. I am somewhat embarrassed to admit I perhaps enjoyed it more than I should have.' Wednesday thought to herself, face bright red as she shifted slightly, doing her best to hide just how much it affected her.

Enid shifted uncomfortably, a scent she wasn't expecting overwhelming her senses as Wednesday's arousal hit her, immediately igniting her own.

"Wedns..." Enid said, swallowing hard. "Y-you should know I can.. Smell, you know.. H-how turned on you are." Enid admitted, wanting to be transparent, looking determinedly at their hands, only to notice her claws had popped out without her knowing.

"I suppose there is no hiding from a werewolf's senses." Wednesday conceded, gently stroking her thumb over the back of Enid's hand. "But back to the topic at hand. I respect and care about you too much to risk ruining our friendship over something as foolish as sexual gratification. And I know I should have never pushed you to bite me. It is up to you who you bestow your bite upon." Wednesday said sincerely.

Wednesday refused to allow her foolish hormones ruin her friendship with Enid, the only person she was close to, the only person who truly understood her and accepted her wholeheartedly for exactly who she was.

She couldn't lose her.

Even if it meant she would only be her friend and nothing more, something Wednesday was sure that would kill her, she would do it.

Enid was too important.

'I will not lose her. I can't.' Wednesday told herself, resolved in her decision to try and put some distance between their relationship, refusing to push that intimate boundary again, no matter how incredible it had felt.

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