the talk with Darby

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Its now the next day I woke up about two hours ago and I'm nervous I agreed to meet Darby at five pm so we can talk about everything like how I'm feeling and how he's feeling give him a chance to explain himself and just come together I don't wanna fight anymore I wanna be in his life again I wanna be together and be the couple all or our friends used to want together. I remember growing up having the same friends as Darby they always used to say that we would make a good couple and we always used to deny it until we couldn't deny it anymore I started to agree with our friends and Darby use to shut down about it . I never really knew how he felt before about this . I'm gonna make a salad for lunch but I'm gonna add buffalo chicken strips some bacon and an egg . That sounded really good after I eat lunch that's when I am gonna get ready .  I finished making lunch and decided to watch some vampire diaries while I am eating . I sit down and watch the season 2 series this is my favorite show of all time so this isn't the first time I have watched this. After I finished eating I noticed it was now three pm so I am gonna go get ready I still have to shower and do something to my hair and my light makeup .  After I showered I just got dressed really quickly I just threw on a t shirt and a hoodie and a pair of sweat pants and my boots now I'm headed to where I am meeting Darby I'm really nervous . About five minutes later I was at our meeting location and Darby was already there waiting for me j got out of my car and headed over to sit by him. I gave him a hug which he accepted fully we sat down and started talking and he told me he always loved me he was just scared that I wouldn't feel the same way and that he was scared it would ruin our friendship and on top of that by the time I actually confessed to him how I was feeling by that time he was already with priscilla which he said was defia mistake . I let him finish talking and I sat there and thought to myself about everything does that really make sense .  I asked Darby where does that leave us now and he said that it leaves us to getting to finally be with each other in a relationship and that makes me happy I always wanted to be with Darby . I said I really do wanna be with you I just don't wanna get hurt so please don't hurt me again and he said that he wouldn't and this time I fully believed him. We continued talking for another hour before he suggested we go to his place so he can make us dinner and I said okay that sounds good . We arrived back at his house and he was gonna start on the spaghetti and meatballs and garlic bread with salad . I asked him if he wanted help and he said no that this was his treat and he wanted me to relax so I sat at the kitchen table while he cooked so I can be near him . When dinner was done we sat and ate while talking and laughing . Once we finished eating we were cleaning up our mess and I gave him a hug I wrapped my arms around his neck and I hugged him and then I kissed him on the lips. He kissed me back and we made it to the couch and we just held each other .  This is the happiest I have been in a while. We finally fell asleep while watching a movie about an hour into holding each other and I will say that this is the best sleep I have had in a long time and I can't believe we are finally a couple honestly can't wait to see what happens between us now.

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