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Few days and still Ethiel wasn't able to get over what he experienced. Tifa was doing a little better. Maya was no different than Ethiel. And Red Wings had chosen to shut himself up alone in a room all day long; he even ate his meals alone. None of them were ready for what waited next. And at that rate, they wouldn't have been able to continue the quest at all maybe.

Thankfully, that's when Lord Veer approached Ethiel about it. They all had got the alone time they needed; it had to be sorted.

It was rather hard to talk it all out, to speak of things so disturbing that words often jammed in Ethiel's throat, choking him heavily. Tears were on a frenzy and emotions were becoming an insufferable hurting mixture of incomprehensible depths.

Calmly and quietly, Lord Veer listened to it all, helping to sort out thoughts when asked for at intervals, and as the confrontation proceeded, Ethiel felt lighter and better until he was fine by the end of it.

"Thank you, Lord Veer." Ethiel sniffed, wiping his tears with another tissue and putting it with the pile on the table.

"You're most welcome, Ethiel." Lord Veer patted his shoulders. "You went through a lot. It should've been me who walked through that last trial. But it seems fate wanted you to go through it. From what I see, that experience has strengthened and fortified your spirit and character, even if you cannot see it."

"Maybe it did, but it was one of the most unpleasant experiences I've ever had..." Ethiel thought of it again.

"I understand. But it is in the past now. Do not visit the past if it does not benefit you, dear Ethiel."

Ethiel nodded, taking another tissue.

"Now, I think it is time I help others with their trauma as well." Lord Veer got up. "Come along, your sister and Maya are next."

Tifa opened up easily with Ethiel by her side. It hurt to hear what all she went through and to see her cry. Ethiel cried when he saw her cry and burst into tears as she dug her head into Lord Veer's chest, blurting and blubbering her painful experience. Lord Veer comforted her and helped her through her emotions very well, and by the end even she was feeling fine.

Next was Maya's turn. She had a hard time expressing what she saw, but eventually she did say. Her nightmarish experience revolved around the destruction of her Kingdom and the death of her people, her fellow vampires, including her parents. She saw them getting slaughtered helplessly and get scorched by torturous flames and what not. It was a deep trauma in the end of which she felt she was alone in the world, abandoned by everything and lost.

"Right now..." Maya wiped her tears to no avail, "I don't know... even with all of you... I feel that I don't have anyone... I love you all... but I just... I miss my parents... my family... I just miss them so much... I'm sorry if I sound rude..."

"That's natural, do not apologise." Lord Veer consoled her.

"I understand, but we are here with you, Maya." Tifa hugged her.

"I know we only met recently, but Maya," Ethiel paused as he felt a sting in his heart, "You may not think much of us, but you mean a lot to us... I am not lying..."

"Thanks..." She smiled at him and then returned to silence, not saying anything.

"What is in your mind, Maya?" Lord Veer asked her. "Speak freely."

She looked down at her laps and did something with her fingers, and then she took a deep breath. "I just.. I just wish... to have my people back... the ones who died... my family and friends..."

Lord Veer nodded.

A silence stretched in the room.

"How about..." Ethiel broke the silence, thinking of something as he tapped his fingers on his lap, "How about... we wish them back as well, your people? I've been thinking about that for a while now."

Maya blinked and looked at him wide-eyed. "You... really?"

"I mean, we are in this together. One wish to kill Rak Sharas, one wish to bring back my mother, and... one wish to bring back your family as well. Is that possible Lord Veer?"

"It is," Lord Veer confirmed. "The Pyramid of Lomeyin can grant any wish."

Maya's eyes filled with happy tears and a smile popped and disappeared. "That would be... great. Thank you so much for your thought, Ethiel."

"I understand your pain, and we can do it, so of course." Ethiel smiled.

After letting out more of her vented feelings, Maya got better as well.

Finally, it was time to confront Red Wings.

Ethiel asked Lord Veer why he was most upset ever since the forest, to that Lord Veer told him that he had a brutal past and that his story wasn't Lord Veer's to tell.

When they approached his door, they heard crashing and breaking sounds. It had been like that ever since they came back.

Lord Veer went forth and knocked on the door.

"What?!" Red Wings shouted from inside the room.

"Could you open the door?" Lord Veer gently asked.

"I don't think it's time for dinner yet!" He shouted back. "Leave me alone, you selfish fakes!"

Lord Veer smiled and looked over his shoulder at Ethiel, not at all surprised by the rudeness.

Tifa immediately left and came back running with her staff.

"Lord Veer," she came forward, pointing her staff at the door knob, "leave this to me. I know he is pretending. Deep down, he wants someone to talk to."

One magic spell and the door unlocked. Slowly, it swung open with a creak.

Inside, the whole room was a mess. Furniture were broken and clawed. Shredded curtains draped over the windows let in thin shafts of the sunset orange. In the middle, stood Red Wings, his teary eyes glaring them with utter hatred.

"I said — leave me alone." Red Wings coldly said.

The Legends of Anigma: Ethiel Archer | ONC 2023Where stories live. Discover now