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3rd Person POV

As soon as Minji uttered the term 'Imoogi', Yeon was suddenly overcome by a sense of uneasiness.

"You two must leave this island immediately," Yeon stated forcefully, his voice laden with a certain anxiety.

"What?" Ji Ah said in response, her tone filled with confusion.

"This just feels wrong." Yeon iterated, expressing his uneasiness.

Ji Ah asked, "How so?"

"You two could die if you remain here," Yeon stated, his tone solemn.

"Hold on a second, stop right there. You are not telling us everything." Minji interjected, her voice indicating her desire to obtain the necessary details.

"I don't need to tell everything—"

"You need to, I mean you are saying we could die, so that means you know something you aren't telling us," Minji said, not backing down.

Yeon turned around in annoyance and sighed deeply. "Listen, I'm trying to save you both."

"You said you are not here to save anyone so why are you making us an exception?" Ji Ah spoke up which in turn made Yeon tense up for a moment.

"People saw us together so if you both died they will suspect me." Yeon quickly came up with an excuse.

Minji rolled her eyes, "Of course, that's the reason."

"We are not leaving until we know why our parents came here." Ji Ah said determined.

"Why are you two so stubborn?" Yeon exasperated.

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Yeon remained where he was while the twins separated from him and wanted to do further research.

Due to the anxious feelings that were gnawing at him, Yeon contacted Taluipa, desiring a sense of reassurance or at least a means of calming his anxiety. It didn't help knowing how his brother would not go back on his words.

"I was wondering... Did you by chance see or hear anything regarding him?" Yeon asked via a phone call with Taluipa, his tone conveying a certain sense of anxiety.

"Who exactly?" Taluipa's voice resounded from the speaker, her tone exuding a tinge of curiosity.

"Imoogi..." Yeon stated with a sense of seriousness.

"Didn't you kill him?" Taluipa asked, conveying her confusion as to why he was being brought up after several centuries had passed.

"Yeah, I had..." Yeon confirmed with a soft sigh.

"Why did you ask about it then?" Taluipa inquired, her tone now infused with sarcasm rather than mere curiosity.

"I am just trying to remain alert." Yeon retorted, the tone of his voice conveying his sense of caution.

"If Ah Eum is reborn in this world, I don't want him in the same world as her," Yeon added.

"How sweet," Taluipa stated with palpable sarcasm. "Listen, I would be aware if anything were to—."

"Okay bye." Yeon quickly said and ended the call, knowing she would curse him for that.

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After the call with Jae Hwan, Ji Ah returned to Pyung Hee's house while Minji wanted to go look around, wanting to know about something.

Upon arriving, Ji Ah noticed Pyung Hee sitting on the steps that led to her house.

Lee Rang wouldn't have any reason to make a shaman kill those fishermen just to trouble Yeon, no it was just too simple, something bigger was playing behind it and she wanted to know exactly why.

The only explanation she could think of was that he approached Pyung Hee and offered his help in return for something or...

If only he was here himself so she could ask him all the questions she had, but the chances of him answering them were below zero.

"Pyung Hee, hello." Ji Ah greeted as she approached the woman, who was in the midst of reading a book at that moment.

"Oh, Miss Nam." Pyung Hee responded, closing the book she had been engaged with previously.

"What are you reading?" Ji Ah asked, attempting to initiate a bit of light conversation.

Pyung Hee showed the front cover of the book she was currently reading, labelled 'Moby Dick'.

Ji Ah's smile abruptly flickered, and her gaze fixed on Pyung Hee, her eyes narrowing noticeably. "You are not Pyung Hee." She claimed, her voice now laced with suspicion. "If I were to guess, I would say you are Lee Rang."

Upon hearing these words, Pyung Hee's form changed and appeared as that of Lee Rang, a grin settling on his face as he failed to conceal the degree of amusement he felt.

Rang replied with his signature smirk intact, uttering, "You really are smart."

"But it would be a waste if that sharp wit fails to rescue you in the upcoming times." He continued, uttering his taunt with an air of amusement.

"What exactly did you mean by those words?" Ji Ah exclaimed, her irritation now palpable.

"Oh, I'm just saying that one can't be certain of anything," Rang replied, his tone filled with a sense of secrecy, which further annoyed Ji Ah.

Ji Ah asked, "You were the one who assisted Pyung Hee in exacting revenge upon those fishermen, weren't you?"

Rang responded with a short bark of laughter before uttering, "You and your twin are really
smart which is becoming really annoying."

"So do smart women form groups and move around together or something?" Rang stated in a questioning tone, his words laced with mockery.

"You really are quite immature for your age." Ji Ah exclaimed, her tone filled with irritation as she addressed him.

Rang's eyes contracted, as he took a singular step toward Ji Ah, yet she did not recoil. "You don't know me to judge me." Rang asserted.

"I Know enough for now." Ji Ah stated in a mocking tone as she took a step forward towards Rang.

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Ji Ah x Rang anyone? 😏

Although it would be a little bit awkward and weird at first due to Ji Ah having Ah Eum's face but eh, whatever.

POSTED: April 30, 2024
EDITED: May 11, 2024
WORDS: 1000

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