Chapters 5

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As Nicole pulled into Eliza house, Craig just realized just how big her house is. The guard ask Nicole for the invite as they approach the checkpoint.  "I'm dropping off my son who invited,"  Nicole said.   The guard who appears hispanic in his early 20s asks for the invite, which Nicole gave. He then talked to Eliza, saying that Craig was here.  "Let him in, he good."  She can be heard saying that.   As Craig mom pulled up toward the porch, she could see Jason being dropped off as well.  "Alright, Jason, your stepmother and I are to eat out." His dad said.  "Not like he cares, my mom is all the way in the UK, because dad cheated on her with a richer younger woman. I wanted to choose my mom, but no, the judge chose my dad to have custody of me."  Jason thought to himself before seeing Craig as he left his dad car. "I didn't know we were invited." Jason said.  "Me neither, how was the UK."  Craig said.  "Pretty  good, my mom took me to London and Scotland, and my step dad even took us to Ireland." Jason said.  "Too bad, I'm back with my step mom in America," Jason said.  "I understand how you feel." Just as Jason was going to see something, Eileen mom dropped her off. "Remember, be back home by 11," Eileen mom said. "I will," Eileen said. Eileen was dressed in a beautiful pink dress with a flower in the middle. Craig blushed so red, Eileen blushed in reaction to Craig. "So after you," Craig said to Eileen. "I'll get going to the party," Jason said, leaving Craig and Eileen by themselves. "So want go in." Eileen said. As they walk into the bonsai garden, they realize just how much peacock they are. "Don't you notice that there are a lot of peacocks," Eileen said. "There is," Craig said before arriving at the front of the door. As Craig knocks, a butler opens up, "Invitions," the butler said. Craig and Eileen gave their and entered. As they entered, Eliza said, "Okay, everyone is here, let get this party started."  As Craig and Eileen were looking for Jason, Cannonball came in. "You made everyone look forward to the two of you."   "They were?"Eileen," said. "Yes, Eliza, have a big suprise for the two of you." Cannonball said. Craig and Eileen nervous chuckled, but they were both freaking out on the inside. Just as Craig was going to text JP, Eliza OK everyone, let play truth or dare. The rest of the kids joined in, and Craig and Eileen tried to excuse themselves but failed. "Come on, you're going to miss the cake." Jane said. So Craig and Eileen were forced to sit down. "I got the bottle," George said. Truth or Dare went fine until the bottle landed on Eileen. "Already Sewer Queen, Truth or Dare," Eliza said with the biggest grin.  "Umm umm," Eileen said, now scared.  "Do you like Craig more than a friend as in a boyfriend?"  Everyone gasped, and even the violinist band stopped.  Craig looks shocked. Eileen, now on the brink of crying, said

"I do like you more than a friend, I mean, after you saved me in the sewer, I started to have feelings but thought nothing. Until you came to my house the first, that is when I truly had feelings for you. But at the time, you were with Wildernessa, and I thought I lost my chance until she moved away. I thought that would be my chance. That was my chance till now."

Eileen now; tearing up said, "I understand you don't want to be friends anymore." Craig was speechless. He had also started to develop feelings for her, and the was his cue. "I also have feelings for you because I want you to be my girlfriend." Craig slowly huge Aileen and said, "I like you too." Craig held Alieen hand and said,"wanna start dancing together."  "Yes, please. " Eileen said. "Wait, that wasn't the plan, Craig was supposed to reject her, and now they're official." Eliza said. "We'll look like your plan was...grounded." Eliza dad said as he came in the room. As Eliza was forced to go to her room, her dad said, "Now let get this party started." The violinist band turned into a DJ. As everyone was dancing, Craig and Eileen held each other hands as they danced. "You know this is better than I expected,"Craig said.  "I know we are official. Now the sewer has a king or at least a prince."  Eileen said. They danced as a pink beam of light  landed on them. The rest of the kids made space as Craig and Eileen danced.

He was watching Jimmy Kimmel as usual when he got a notification from Maney.

Maney: Did Mackenzie tell you what happened.

JP: No

Maney: Craig and the Sewer Queen are official

JP: Really 😆

Maney: Yes


Maney: We'll talk in a few days, as this is big news.

JP: OK, what wonder what the sewer kids recation will be.

Maney: I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

Little did anyone know, frisboy also had a crush on the Sewer Queen, but he doesn't know the news spread from the tea timer and the horse girls.

"I guess we have to tell Frisboy the news," George said. It is better for him to find out within a few days," secert keeper said.

Craig x Eileen(Sewer queen) A craig of the creek fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now