Chapter 3

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Monday Night RAW 5/8/23

Champion No More

I told the brothers they didn't have to come to the show they could just relax at my house until they had to leave for Friday Night Smackdown. We were literally going to the show and as soon as my segment was done, we were leaving to come back since my surgery was bright and early tomorrow morning. They sill insisted that they come, they wanted to be there to support me and I really appreciated them for doing that. Rick already had the bus ready to go and we were all back on it making the forty-five-minute drive to the arena. I sat in the bedroom staring at my SmackDown Women's Championship sitting in its usual place on the counter on my side. I looked to my right to see Roman's two titles also sitting there like normal. Soon though my spot would be empty, I tried not to dwell on that fact, but it was hard not to. Time passed and Roman came into the room and sat down next to me.

"We close?" I asked.

"About ten minutes away," he said and I sighed. He reached over and took hold of my hand as we stared at the titles. "Things will change but it'll be okay Wildfire," he assured me, which was easy for him to say he still had his titles.

"I liked how things were going, I don't really want anything to change."

"They were going good but if anyone can adopt to change it's you," he said and I squeezed his hand more.

"Thanks for coming with me to do this, they're all going to be staring at me the second I get off the bus," I commented.

"No different then any other day but if they get in your way I'll handle it," he stated. I smiled up at him then leaned against his shoulder. In no time the bus came to a stop. We were still hours away from showtime but I had a lot to do. A lot of lose ends to tie up before I'd be gone the next six to eight months. I grabbed my title and Roman took my bag Paul, Solo, Jimmy, and Jey were all waiting in the lounge when we came out. They stood up and looked to me, they were waiting for me to make the first move. I could do this, I had to do this. I walked by them or limped by them with my crutches to the bus stairs. Roman gave my bag to Jimmy and I handed my title to Paul and the crutches to Solo as Roman picked me up in his arms and carried me down the stairs. I was ignoring the fact that my leg was killing me. Roman set me down and I leaned against the bus till the others came down and Solo handed me the crutches. We found the locker room but I didn't get too comfortable because I had to go talk with creative.

"Ready?" Paul asked.

"As I can ever be," I answered. Roman, Jimmy, and Jey stayed behind and Solo came with us even though he'd have to wait in the hallway. Hunter and the rest of creative gave me the sympathetic look I knew I'd be getting this whole time. I held my head up and pretended this wasn't a big deal. I was shocked that even the ones who hadn't always agreed with my ideas they all praised me for my plan of the title.

"When am I going on tonight, I'd like to go out at the top of the second hour if I could," I told them.

"We actually planned that to, we thought about letting you go out first but we didn't want to start a show after a live event on a....," Hunter said trailing off.

"On a down note. Don't worry I get it," I said then we talked about my health and future time table of return.

"Recovery time is 6-8 months but I won't know a for sure time table until after surgery," I told them.

"We'll worry about that more so down the line, for now we will get through tonight then just focus on your recovery," Hunter said. "We'll be in touch later this week, about these title plans," he said. I nodded then got up and left leaving Paul behind to deal with other creative stuff. Solo and I left and went for hair and makeup where Julia and Deb were waiting. Once they heard what had happened, they messaged me they'd come to RAW and do my hair and makeup since they didn't know when they'd be able to do it again.

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