Chapter 20

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Allison lays against Finn's chest while he reads quietly and she eats some strawberries with cheesecake dip.

She was simply enjoying time with her mate when Kol came storming in "Tell me again why we must stay in this bloody city? It is filled with threats and it's covered in vomit half the time?"

Allison rolled her eyes "Multiple reasons, one being I want to, there are some people I actually like in this city and I don't want to see them dead. Two, Marcel is getting out of hand being left on his own and needs a good humbling. And Three, Marcel was getting so big in his britches that he was about to end the Ancestral magic in this city if left to his own devices. While I have no doubt he would sacrifice Davina for the City I would rather not risk all of our lives on it" she explained.

Kol sat down, laying his body half way on top of hers so his head was resting on her bump where he could hear the baby's heartbeat.

"How would our lives be put at risk?" Finn asked as he looked at his brother with a scowl, hating being intruded on when they were having a peaceful private moment.

Allison bit her lip as she tried to find the right way to explain "So by my best estimate 500 years before you were made vampires a witch was born. She was really powerful and soulless, she apparently has an endless hunger for power. Her people killed her and upon the moment of her death she created a spell in which turned the witches who killed her into the beasts they used to hunt. Creating the werewolf curse" she said softly, running her fingers through Kol's hair until he propped his head up to look at her.

"Not that I don't appreciate the history lesson but how exactly is it relevant?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. She huffed and kicked him off her making him pout and sit up.

"I was getting to that. When she became a spirit her power only grew and she began to terrorize the people of the world until she was imprisoned by some very powerful witches, the key to prison is the Ancestral land. If the Ancestral land is destroyed the hallow escapes and who are the most powerful beings in the world? Beings she really wants the power of?" she asked pointedly.

Kol put a hand to his chest and gave her a little smile as if she had just given him a compliment making her roll her eyes fondly at him.

Allison hit Kol's chest lightly with a scowl on her face "This is serious! The show ended with Nik taking in the spirit and him and Elijah dying! And honestly that shit was mostly lazy writing, they had openly stated in the season before that the ...

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Allison hit Kol's chest lightly with a scowl on her face "This is serious! The show ended with Nik taking in the spirit and him and Elijah dying! And honestly that shit was mostly lazy writing, they had openly stated in the season before that the Hallow couldn't be killed in spirit form. I have no idea if the writing will transfer or if it doesn't how to kill that bitch! So I would very much prefer to keep the Ancestral land right where it is and to make sure it stays there so that means making sure the witches of this city stay alive" She explained, getting slightly upset at her mate not taking the very real threat seriously.

Kol frowned and grabbed her hand "I'm sorry darling, I'll take it very seriously, you're right. If this spirit were to get out she could be a real threat that we couldn't control" he said gently making her huff and almost immediately forgive him and his stupid adorable face.

She knew her emotions were probably mostly hormones as well as the thought of her mates death's but she still needed them to take threats more seriously.

"Good, I will be so pissed at you all if I have to bring any of you back from the other side" Allison said warningly.


Davina sat board in the attic, flickering a flame to life over and over again

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Davina sat board in the attic, flickering a flame to life over and over again. She was so sick of being cooped up, never to see the sun or talk to people. Though she has had a lot to think about lately.

The Original's mate had dropped quite a few bombs and Davina didn't know if she wanted to believe her. Well there was no way she wanted to believe her but she did. Something in her bones knew she was telling the truth, and Davina hated it.

So that letf her in a bad position, she had thought she could wait out the reaping, take revenge on the witches who betrayed her but now she knew that wasn't going to happen, not if Allison was to be believed.

Allison had offered to help her get away but only after the reaping, first she would need to let herself be sacrificed. She felt her entire body shudder at the thought of it.

Before she could keep thinking about it Marcel walked in "D I need you to do a spell for me, not a big deal, just a little tracking spell for one of my guys" he said casually as he walked in.

She went to agree but then remembered Allison's words from the other night, never let a vampire take your magic for free "I'll do the spell, if you let me go outside for a few hours?" she asked, hopeful he would agree.

She really hoped Marcel would show her he cared but instead he looked at her confused "Since when do you make deals?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Since I've gone stir crazy! Come on, you want something from me and I want to get out of here for a bit. It makes total sense" she hedged, trying to get a little freedom, just for a bit.

Marcel looked at her and for a second she felt a sliver of fear "And that would be true except I'm keeping you safe and breathing, I think that means you do what I ask" he said, his voice had humor in it but something in his eyes told her he was not kidding.

She smiled even though she felt like a pit had dropped in her stomach "Yeah of course, what do you need me to locate?" she asked, trying not to show how hurt and afraid she was in that moment.

Marcel must have noticed something as he grimaced "Look D, you do this and I'll get you some new art supplies, maybe get you a TV up here" he said, looking around awkwardly.

She nodded "Yeah, okay. Do you have something I can use to track them?" she asked, hoping he would just get what he wanted and then leave her alone.  

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