Chapter 1

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Paris was beautiful, something out of Ally's wildest dreams.

The coven spent a month in the city before traveling the countryside. The city of romance was beautiful but there were more sights to see and the Mikealson Men wanted to show their mate it all.

They spent about 3 months traveling through the French countryside together before moving on to Italy.

Rebekah and Tyler finally joined the rest of the coven when they were staying at a villa near a small Italian town, it took some convincing to get Carol to relinquish control, in the end they just left behind a note and went on their way.

Tyler continued to call his mother during his travels, he may have left but that didn't mean he forgot about home but he was an adult who could make his own choices.

The coven stayed together for the most part, sometimes separating to have romantic getaways from the peanut gallery but most of the time they moved together, as a unit.

From the Italian countryside, they took a private yacht and traveled the Medaterainian.

They island-hopped for a few months before ditching the yacht and traveling through Africa, The girls all loved it for the rich witch heritage that runs there.

They had such unique magic, Allison thought she knew most witchcraft but the African witches proved her wrong. Their magic was beautiful and dangerous, powerful.

She made note of all of it to be archived in the Taylor library, so it would never be lost to history. It was too beautiful to lose.

She would never share what she learned, it wasn't her right but she had a duty to archive the magic of the world.

She would keep the memories of their ceremonial dances close to heart, she could see as their magic flowed through them with the dance. It was beautiful, as they danced together their magic become one until it funneled through the earth in powerful waves.

Once they were done in Africa they spent a few months on the sea again before landing in Australia.

They spent a few months down Under but after three months of constant horrible Australian jokes by Damon, Stiles, and Kol everyone was ready to leave.

As much as all the girls loved the Kangaroos it wasn't worth it, the jokes never stopped. Most of them had all taken 'romantic getaways' just to get away from Damon, he never knew when a joke had run its course. He was still kicking shrimp on the barbie like a dead horse.

The Coven traveled through Philipines and then onto Japan where Stefan and Valerie joined them.

The two didn't often join them but they visited occasionally, they had their own lives to worry about and were doing their own traveling.

They both seemed incredibly happy, Valerie was still in contact with Oscar on occasion but they both lived their lives separately. Neither of them wanted to remember the family that brought them together.

Stefan was happy to see his brother again, this time on good terms. Damon had come a long way with his mates, he resembled the man he once was as a human more than the monster he became as a vampire.

Though if you ask Damon it was only because Ally threatened to put a shock collar on him and every time he said something stupid she would turn it up to 10. The threat wasn't effective until Damon woke up with a shock collar spelled onto his neck, then he started listening.

Either way, he became a better person and Stefan was happy to see it, Valerie had helped him immensely with his control and broodish ways. According to Ally, he went from a whole tree to just a stick!

She seemed quite shocked at the adjustment and immediately asked what drugs Valerie was slipping into his blood.

Stefan and Valerie stayed with the Coven as they traveled from Japan to Chile where they made their way up to Mexico.

When they got to Mexico Valerie and Stephan separated from them again to travel the U.S.

The Coven traveled through Mexico to the Gulf where they compelled another yacht and started making their way to the U.S.

More specifically, New Orleans.


Supper short, I know. It's just a "what they did over the years" thing. The next chapter will be the Baby convo, fun times ahead lol. Oh and fair warning. I work on the weekends so their might not be a lot of chapters posted until the weekdays. It depends on how drained I am after work.

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my one original characters and plot. 

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