Chapter 8

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I motioned for Hayley to step out from behind Lydia.

She gave me a look, clearly communicating her displeasure, as she hesitantly stepped forward.

I turned back to Jackson who was looking between us very confused, until their eyes met. How predictable...

I shared a look with Lydia as we both squealed quietly as Hayley stepped toward Jackson with lovey eyes.

I clapped my hands excitedly "Well looks like there is even more good news. This is Hayley Marshel, formally known as Andrea Lebinair" I said dramatically, summoning my inner Elijah.

Jackson immediately looked towards me in shock while the rest of the wolves seemed to get either confused or excited.

I dusted myself off casually as I looked around at the wolves "Well, seeing as Hayley here is obviously gonna want to go with you for a bit, I'll leave her to explain the details of what we want, think of her as our ambassador. In the meantime does anyone else wanna get a siphon so you can enjoy a bit of time as a human? We'll be back to negotiate the night before the full moon" I said casually as I motioned to Lydia.

Normally we would both do the siphon thing but Lydia could use the boost, I have more than enough magic.

Jackson looked from me to his pack before glancing down at Hayley. He seemed to come to a decision as he looked back towards the wolves and nodded.

Immediately Lydia was being swarmed by excited wolves, much to Stile's horror. He become even more horrified as they turned into naked people.

The expressions on his face had both me and Bekah cackling while Lydia just rolled her eyes fondly and continued to siphon the wolves.

Jackson was watching us carefully while talking quietly with Hayley.

As soon as Lydia was done we were leaving, it had gotten weird with all the naked people, I started to feel like I was in some fucked up ass cult.


Bonnie walked down Royal street, Luka on her arm. Being connected to Alison's magic let her feel the wrongness of this place.

Witches aren't meant to channel their ancestors like this, feed off their souls for their magic. It brought a chill down her spine.

The entire city felt wrong, so much death marks this city, the vampire community here alone causes so many deaths not to mention the supernatural in fighting.

Bonnie could practically see the witch blood that decorated the streets.

She glanced at Luka who seemed to be less affected by the city. He still seemed on guard but he couldn't feel the wrongness of the magic here like she could. It made sense since the ability came from Ally.

They just kept wandering the streets, occasionally spotting a hybrid there for the same reason as them. To spy.

Eventually, she came to a side street that seemed much more eclectic. She spotted a small shop with some Norse symbols in the window and immediately dragged Luka into the store.

She started poking around the shop, grabbing some extra herbs and a few crystals.

Once Bonnie had everything she needed she walked up to the cash register.

The woman behind the counter smiled as she rang up the total, her eyes widening as she realized what Bonnie was buying.

The women put the items in a paper bag before handing it to Bonnie, when their hands brushed they both had immediate feelings of recognition.

Bonnie shuddered at the feeling of the women's magic.

The woman glanced nervously at the door "You should leave while you can. Witches aren't allowed to use magic in the city" she said as she glanced between Bonnie and Luka.

"Excuse me? And you all just listen to that? Why don't you do anything?!" Luka asked accusingly as he glared at the women.

Bonnie put a calming hand against his chest "It might not be that simple, we will keep a lookout. Thank you for the warning" she said quickly before practically dragging Luka from the store.

Unbeknownst to them, the woman called her boyfriend shortly after they left.


Ally and her mates quickly made their way home to the Manor.

Lydia was bouncing around with an energy boost, when we saw Damon sitting in the living room with Caroline she ran over to him and jumped in his lap then proceeded to kiss all over his face.

Caroline rolled her eyes before looking at us "I guess it went well then?" She asked.

Lydia nodded excitedly "Yep! I siphoned a hell of a lot of power from those wolves, and they thanked me for it! It was a great day!" she said excitedly as Stiles joined her and Damon on the couch.

"Yep, it was a great day. Thank fuck it's over!" I said as I sat down on the couch in a huff.

Lydia looked at me horrified before shaking her head "Not a chance! I wanna go out! Come on Care let's go meet Bon Bon in the quarter. Go dancing!" She asked excitedly as she gave Care puppy dog eyes.

Caroline immediately folded making Enzo and Damon both groan dramatically.

I crossed my arms and glared at Lydia "Hey! Why aren't I invited?" I asked offended.

Lydia rolled her eyes before looking at me like I was stupid "One, You're pregnant, Two, your mates can't go in the city yet according to your plan and there is no way they are gonna let you go alone while preggos. Third, You don't like people, loud music, or being the only sober one in the group" she said factually.

I huffed and looked away "well, you don't have to make so much sense" I said, pouting.

Caroline snorted and shook her head as she got up to go get ready.


While Bonnie and Luka were trying to make their way out of the city without looking inconspicuous, Thierry was telling Marcel about a couple of new witches in the quarter.

Marcel raised his eyebrow, a smile growing on his face as he suddenly stood up.

"Well looks like we'll have to welcome them to town" He said loudly, making those around him smirk with satisfaction.

Marcel nodded to a couple of vampires to follow him as he and Thierry made their way out into the quarter.


Disclaimer: I own nothing but my one original character and plot. 

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