Chapter 11

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"What the hell were you thinking meeting him alone?!" Nik yelled as he paced the living room.

I rolled my eyes "I was thinking I could handle myself and I didn't need to ask your permission" I said calmly, the warning clear in my voice.

Nik just glowered "Love, I know we can't tell you what to do. But your pregnant! You need extra protection!" he said, obviously exasperated.

I sighed "He wasn't going to hurt me" I said as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"How could you know that Elskan? You could have been in danger!" Elijah said as he ran his hands through his hair.

I narrowed my eyes "I knew I wasn't in any danger, I stayed within the perimeter" I snapped, getting tired of their hovering.

"The perimeter is not infallible, he could have easily thrown something and killed you! You may heal being connected to Rebekah but the baby will not!" Elijah snapped back.

I stood up slowly, my magic brimming, as my hormones fed off my anger and turned it into rage.

"Do you think for a single moment I would put our baby in danger!? I am not some damsel in distress! I could have killed him with a snap of my fingers! I knew I was safe, he wouldn't hurt me anyways since I'm pregnant. He has a rule about hurting kids, pregnant women fall into that! I would never put our baby in danger!" I screamed out as I stalked away from the living room.

If I had stayed I would have set something on fire, I could tell my hormones were making me more upset than I really was but that didn't mean I wasn't pissed at my mates.

They knew I could take care of myself and for them to think I would put our child in danger for even a second was ludicrous. Marcel was no danger to me.

I walked into my room, slamming the door behind me with a wave of my hand.


The moment their mate had left the room Kol turned towards his brothers with a scowl "Great, now she's upset! This is what you get for opening your mouths!" he said as he winced when the door was slammed shut.

Elijah rolled his eyes "What did you want me to do Kol? Are you telling me you're not the least bit upset?" He asked as he continued to pace.

Kol rolled his eyes "NO! Because she's right! She could kill Marcel even on her weakest day, you need to calm down! She's pregnant, not useless! Now, calm down before you upset her anymore!" Kol said as he glanced at the stairs warily.

Nik rolled his eyes as he grabbed his keys.

"Where are you going brother?" Finn asked from where he was perched on the sofa, he wasn't happy with his mate's choices but he wasn't as hot-headed or stupid as his brothers to yell at her for them, especially while pregnant. But then again no one ever said Niklaus was a genius, it was slightly surprising from Elijah but not unexpected.

Niklaus just huffed as he continued to walk towards the door "I'm going to get peace offerings, it's the only way any of us are getting in that room anytime soon" He said before walking out of the house.

Kol nodded and turned towards Elijah "See at least he knows when he's being a jack ass" he said scathingly as he got up and made his way upstairs.


The Mikealson men eventually coaxed their mate out of the room with the promise of Tacos and ice cream.

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