Chapter 13

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3rd Person

The night ended quickly after the meeting with Marcel, it wasn't long until the brothers and Ally left, Allison didn't like being in the city for extended periods of time. The city's magic felt wrong to her, she had an urge to leave the second she had entered city limits.

The others in the coven remained, knowing Rebekah needed to talk to Marcel and not being willing to leave her and Tyler alone in unfamiliar territory.

Rebekah gripped Tyler's hand as she walked up to her other mate. She had to remind herself that no matter what she had Tyler, he was enough, he was everything, and as much as it would tear her heart apart if she had to choose, at the end of the day, Tyler wants to be there.

Marcel had never truly been there for her like Tyler had. She had thought what she had with Marcel was perfect, that he treated her well, after seeing firsthand what a mate should be like she had to admit to herself that Marcel never acted like that.

She had never been as important to him as he was to her, which was glaringly obvious when one looked at the city. It was obvious when she looked at him.

He was standing, his back to her. She could tell the moment he knew she was there as his back stiffened.

He didn't turn around at first making Rebekah glare at his back "Do you have nothing to say?" she asked, her voice almost pleading if not or the scorn in her eyes.

Marcel sighed and turned around reluctantly "not really, I see I've been replaced" He said as he side-eyed Tyler.

Tyler to his credit didn't even care, he wasn't jealous of Marcel, seeing Ally with her mates he knew there was no reason to be jealous. Rebekah was meant to love them both, there was no reason to doubt their bond.

Rebekah narrowed her eyes "Yes, meet my other mate, I finally found him" she said, fondness showing in her eyes for Tyler.

Marcel's eyes widened, he hadn't expected that, he thought it was some form of revenge. He had thought he wasn't jealous simply because he no longer cared, even though his earlier trance said the opposite. Though that incident was all instincts, he couldn't fight that if he tried.

Rebekah looked at him, waiting to see if he would say anything, only to be left disappointed. She shook her head mournfully "You don't even care, do you? After everything we've been through?!" She asked accusingly, hurt shining in her eyes.

Marcel shook his head "It's not like that" He said, shaking his head in denial.

Rebekah pushed down her hurt and replaced it with anger as she glared at him "Then what is it like? You what? Just forgot about the mate bond while you played dead? While you betrayed our bond for years?! Forgot about me? I mourned you! I grieved for the death of my mate! I almost rejected Tyler out of fear of losing another mate like I thought I lost you" She said accusingly, fire burning in her eyes.

"But you weren't dead were you? No, you were living it up being king of the city my family built!" Rebekah said angrily, her voice getting louder.

Marcel puffed up and glared down at her "Hey, your family left this city in pieces, I built this city up with my blood and sweat and tears. Your family has no claim over my city!" He spat out angrily.

Rebekah just shook her head in mystification "That's what you cared about? Everything I said, you cared about that? You really don't care do you?" She asked, her voice getting an empty quality.

A part of Marcel wanted to say something, to fight for her, but he knew she was better off. They were on opposite sides of a battlefield now, it would never work.

A part of him would always love her but another part, a bigger part, loved this city, loved the life he lived as king, the women, the parties, the power.

Rebekah just shook her head and turned away, Tyler glared at Marcel, he looked at him with so much Judgment that Macel bristled and his fangs came out.

Tyler let his eyes shift to yellow as his veins ran down his face, Marcel took a step back in shock.

Marcel hadn't known Klaus broke the curse, this night was throwing him off balance.

The coven quickly flocked around Bekah as they left.

Once they arrived home Tyler took Bekah upstairs, they spent the night alone, mourning the loss of their third, the member that completed them.


Allison and the girls gathered in the living room as Bekah stayed upstairs with her mate.

They had felt it as Bekah drew magic to put up a privacy spell so they knew she wouldn't overhear.

The girls had just filled in Allison on what had happened and she was pissed.

"There has to be a spell somewhere to get rid of a mate bond! There has to be! How can we just let Bekah be treated like this, she'll feel the effects for eternity!" Ally said as she flipped through the copy of her grandmother's grimoire.

She scowled as she desperately scanned each page, looking for anything that could help.

The girls also took up the job of searching, hoping to find something, anything to help Bekah.

*2 hours pass*

Allison slammed closed the third grimoire she had read with a loud bang. "How the hell can there be nothing?! Even in the Taylor grimoires?! This can not be the first time someone has had a crappy mate!" Allison yelled out in frustration.

Lydia huffed and rolled her eyes "No, obviously there had been crappy mates before, but it's rare! Not to mention how many witches would actually be able to pull something like that off? I could name maybe 10 in all of time!" she said, similarly annoyed.

Caroline shook her head "Well it's obvious isn't it?" She asked, looking at the rest of them like they were missing something.

"Blondie I love you but if you don't get to the punch line I'm gonna shave your eyebrows in your sleep" Allison said as she narrowed her eyes. She was not in the mood for dramatic effect.

Caroline looked at Allison in horror before shaking her head "We'll just have to make a spell to do it" she said casually as if it were as easy as breathing.

Of course, the more Allison thought about it, the more she thought Care was a genius.


I'm so fucking pissed right now. Some asshole got my first 2 Holly Potter series books taken down for Copyright. Just deleted, poof. I'm trying to get it fixed but I'm waiting for them to get back to me, Wattpad just said it was copyrighted and if I have proof of permission from the original author to write it I could get it back.....I AM THE ORIGINAL FUCKING AUTHOR!  Uuudgsfvjkedbwfpivb. I'm like chuck my keyboard across the room mad, set fire to people mad. I spent a year of my life pouring my fucking soul into something just for some asshole to copy and paste it and claim my work as their own. 

Honestly, I've been debating this for a while but I'm gonna finish out the books I have on here but I won't be posting any new work here. I'm gonna stick to Ao3. it just isn't worth the shit. 

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and plot. 

Tho I guess I don't own that shit either...whoopie!

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