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☆Username- Seamlesslove
☆Book title- the broken amulet
☆Judge- LAJoyner
☆Total Score- 99/100

Cover: 5/5

The cover is eye-popping, strange and wonderful and fits the title.

Title: 5/5

The title is perfect for the story

Description: 10/10

Very well done, definitely captures the reader interest to want to find out more.

Plot/Storyline: 15/15

The plot is very interesting and keeps the reader engaged the whole time. This story is just beginning but its future seems full of adventure, misadventures, friendships and love. I’m looking forward to more.

Character Sketch and Development: 15/15

The male and female lead characters are evolving with the story and taking their best friends with them whether they want to go along for the ride or not lol.

Writing Style: 14/15

There are some large gaps, blank spaces in the prologue and chapters 1, 2 that made me think ‘Did the chapter just end?” only to find more while scrolling down to the tab for the next chapter. Maybe using a line of Te tildo’s ‘~~~~~’ to denote the parts are being separated on purpose thus closing the gap and keeping the story flow moving freely. This key is usually found on a keyboard right next to the 1/! key.

Creativity: 10/10

So far, since this is still on-going with just a few chapters, the concept seems it’s going to be a fun and adventurous story. It appears to be the beginning a very intriguing BTS fan fiction with the possibility of magic entering the story concerning the broken amulet.

Pace: 5/5

The pace of the story keeps the reader engaged without losing them along the way.

Vocabulary and Grammar: 15/15

It is so nice to find stories where Grammar is used properly making the story so much more enjoyable and easy to read. The vocabulary if fine and the paragraph structure is very well done.

Overall Evaluation: 5/5

From the cover to the last updated chapter this story is very good and the characters are fun.

Judges Review:
The only issue I found bothersome was the large gap/blank spaces in the prologue and two chapters. The rest is evident in the scores given. Job well done.

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