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☆Username- SSears90
☆Book title- Meet me at midnight
☆Judge- LAJoyner
☆Total score- 99/100

Cover: 5/5

The cover fits the vampire theme and the font is legible, all he needs is fangs peeking out. But that is just my preference =D.

Title: 5/5

The title along with the cover fits the vampire genre. It always seems vampires prefer doing things at midnight or later and for Jungkook midnight was his time.

Description: 10/10

The description lets you know you are in for a BTS vampire story. The questions in the blurb draw you in like the mesmerising spell of a vampire for more blood, um I mean for answers that you can only find by reading the story. There is a missing quotation mark at the start.

Plot/Storyline: 15/15

This isn’t your typical vampire story plot which makes it even more compelling to want to read.

Character Sketch and Development: 14.5/15

The introduction of the BTS (personas) is faithfully represented throughout this fanfiction, even Jungkook, though he has a ferocious thirst for blood instead of banana milk. As always the members pull together to save and protect whichever one of them is in trouble, which is usually Jungkook. The characters' growth and depth were balanced, no major changes in who they are or how they are, (other than the vampire part of Jungkook) the others are the same throughout.

Writing Style: 15/15

The author is good at drawing emotions from the reader as they react to the turmoil and panic Jungkook goes through. You are led through the story by his hyungs and the author, as they try once again to save their maknae from peril.

Creativity: 10/10

The creativity in how Jungkook became a vampire was interesting and the way they broke the curse was unusual. Some of the members’ hidden talents were brought to the forefront, which was nice.

Pace: 5/5

The pace is good and picks up where it needs to, like when they go and rescue Jungkook and J Hope blows up the entire facility.

Vocabulary and Grammar: 14.5/15

It is always nice to read a story with proper grammar and good vocabulary.  The only issues I found in this story is that the correct ellipses are three dots instead of two. The use of two dots is frequently done in a lot of stories but three is the correct standard for ellipses.  I think this may have been an autocorrect issue where ‘find back’ was used instead of ‘fight back’ (chapter 8 near the end). Missing quotation mark at the start of the first sentence in the blurb caught my eye right away since the quote ended with one.

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