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☆Username- Seamlesslove☆Book title- Mirror☆Judge- SSears90☆Total Score- 84/100

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☆Username- Seamlesslove
☆Book title- Mirror
☆Judge- SSears90
☆Total Score- 84/100

Cover: 4/5

The cover catches the eye. It is a bit hard to read the subheading due to the font.

Title: 4/5

It is a simple title.

Description: 8/10

The description draws the reader in by instantly talking about victims in a town, which is interesting. They then pose the question “Will Jeon Jungkook be able to find the killer?”  Making the reader want to dive into the story to find out if Jungkook does or not.

Plot/Story Line: 15/15

The plot is engaging. The author uses different emotions in their work, pulling out laughter and the feeling of suspense from their readers. There are different conflicts that take place throughout the story especially because it involved looking for a killer. It’s an edge of your seat read.

Character Sketch and Development: 13/15

The characters are all introduced pretty well. We learn more about them through their dialogue with each other and how each of them reacts to what’s going on around them.

Writing Style: 15/15

The writing style flows. It’s easy for the reader to follow along with the storyline because everything is comprehendible and makes sense. It’s very engaging for readers as they understand the scenario. The author also spaces out events and dialogue making it easy for readers to add input into different sections of the story.

Creativity: 7/10

The concept is represented well. It is creative in its own aspects, but it does follow the general idea of a killer on the loose while investigators do all they can to track leads and find them.

Pace: 5/5

The story moves at a good pace. No major events are looked over and nothing is too fast or too slow.

Vocabulary and Grammar: 14/15

The grammar throughout the story is fine. The use of vocab is also fine, it is not too complex that the readers can’t understand what they’re reading.

Overall Evaluation: 3/5

It was an enjoyable read. The author pays close attention to small details such as making things grammatically correct, while also keeping readers engaged. The story is full of suspense and surprises in each chapter while the author brings readers into a world of mystery, which makes everyone reading it want to get to the next chapter to see what will play out for Jungkook.

☆Username- elemariaJin
☆Book title- Vampire queen
☆Judge- SSears90
☆Total Score- 61/100

Cover: 4/5

The cover fits the theme of the story. The font is a bit dark so I did have to squint to read it.

Title: 4/5

A simple title that gets right to the point of what the story will be about. It fits the theme well.

Description: 5/10

The description does seem a little bit scattered. It seems quite poetic at the top and then the end mentions a vampire princess and her journey. The description does have an abundance of vocab/grammatical errors.

Plot/Story Line: 10/15

After getting through two chapters that are the introduction of characters, and then another chapter that is the prologue, there are actually only three chapters of plot thus far and they are all quite short. I personally feel like that is not enough for me to judge a storyline quite yet, so I would suggest just continuing working on your story and developing your plot.

●Character Sketch and Development: 9/15

Most of the story so far is dialogue. Characters speaking to each other. There is not a lot of detail about the personalities and interests of characters, and due to the story not being very far along, I did not see any kind of character development as of yet.

Writing Style: 9/15

The writer focuses a lot on dialogue to get through this story. So through dialogue we know what is going on, but other than that there is not much description of scenes, places, or the atmosphere taking place.

Creativity: 6/10

Based on what is being said between characters, the story is creative in how the interactions go. It will be more creative if you develop the story further and add more descriptions to the elements of the characters and their overall surroundings.

Pace: 4/5

The pace seems alright but things could move faster when it comes to characters talking.

Vocab and Grammar: 8/15

There are a lot of punctuation errors throughout the chapters. Remember to capitalize the beginnings of sentences, make proper use of periods and quotation marks, etc. There are websites that can help you with this, such as Grammarly.

Overall Evaluation: 2/5

I did look at the requirement criteria again and saw that there was not a minimum number of chapters needed for a book to be accepted into this awards, but I will be honest and say that only three chapters of content was not a significant amount for good judgement. However, going off of what is there, I will say a few things: There is an overuse of dialogue. We all have our own writing styles, but adding more context to the story in the form of description and plot will not only elongate your story but also make it easier to follow along with and understand. The plot is a good one and can be developed nicely. Also make sure to spell check your work. I hope that helps!

 I hope that helps! _________________________________________

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