Amelia - No Touching?

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Maybe I was overreacting, but I was awed. I'd never been to Mimzy's before. Or anywhere, for that matter. What's the point of buying food if I can magic it into existence? It reminded me of the good old days and the highlights of my lifetime. The parties, the dancing, and the drinks always end with some of the best kills.

My smile widened slightly at my surroundings and the memories they brought back. "I'm going to take that expression as a yes?" Alastor smirked as I brought my eyes back to him.

"Yes, this... suffices," I said as naturally as possible, trying to break my Music Demon persona.

Alastor took his hand into mine rather than my arm, which he usually brings me around. I tensed until I finally relaxed; old habits, I guess. But lately, something has just been a little off. Maybe it's just me...

"Shall we?" Alastor asked without answer, bringing me to one of the dining tables as we sat down.

I took a moment to really take in Alastor, perfectly composed in his seat. He wasn't too off from his original style, but it was still a nice change. It's rare I ever see Alastor in any different clothing. And though I hated myself for this, but the top hat looked quite cute on his head... I shook the thought off.

I decided it would be smart to focus on something else, like... the menu. I mine off the table, glancing down at it, already knowing what I wanted. Might as well look over it.

"What would you like to order? Ma'am?" A voice asked, tapping my shoulder; I tensed. Immediately looking up at the demon, about to punch her square flat in the face.

But someone caught my fist, and my dark glare shifted to who caught it, Alastor. "Now, now, dear. It's unlike a lady to start a fight." He told me, as he let go of my hand, that the demon had already run away though.

"My bad," I said hesitantly, but Alastor's curiosity didn't stop.

"Mind telling me what that was about, dear? You don't strike me as the type to start a fight at such... random." He questioned, looking into my eyes as if he'd find a response there.

"I just..." I trailed off, trying to come up with an excuse as soon as possible, "Don't like being touched..." I said, telling some truth.

Alastor got up from his seat, and I watched him walk over to me, bending down to meet my height in my chair. He pushed my hair back around my ear, and I tensed at such proximity as he leaned into my ear.

I felt his hot breath on my face as he whispered, "The way you looked at that waiter, the darkness... sadness in your eyes. Not to mention that you tense at touch. May I also remind that time with Vaggie when you first arrived? There's something more to it, I would know." He retracted, standing up, walking back to his seat as if nothing had happened. "But none the matter; secrets are meant to be revealed anyways. And it would seem we need a new waiter, so I'll be right back."

With that, he walked off somewhere; I lost him in the large crowd. And I wasn't really focused on where he was going; I was lost in my thoughts. After all my years in Hell, never has a single demon been able to question me alive. Yet here I am, letting Alastor into my life... yet I don't regret it. I sighed as I decided I'd get myself a small drink or two to think over this.

I walked over to the bar, "Drink." I demanded as the bartender turned pale at my presence, hurrying off to get me a drink.

I didn't really care what drink it was; I just needed one. I'm not getting drunk, no. I'm just getting a few drinks... that's it. Really. I convinced myself as the bartender returned with a glass, as I swung the whole thing down, the hot beverage burning down my throat.

Definitely not getting drunk...


I know the chapters have been getting a bit short, BUT I promise you're really going to love what's coming up next, okay?!! Can't wait, ya'll fuckers are goin' love this!

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