Alastor - The Snake Demon?

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I stared at Amelia for a response, but before anything escaped her mouth, Vaggie, Charlie, and Angel finally finished their conversation with Husk.

"So, whaddayya think?" Amelia asked, clearly avoiding my question.

"This is amazing!" Charlie almost immediately responded, and her happiness was as clear as day.

Though Vaggie didn't seem as excited, "It's...okay." she said, crossing her arms with reluctance at complimenting me or Amelia.

Amelia's smile widened as she snapped her fingers, and the hotel's background changed into neon lights as she started to sing.

♪ You have a dream

Everyone remained a bit stunned for a moment, even I. Though I hate to admit it, her voice was beautiful. Of course, there had to be more to her nickname, 'The Music Demon' than just her voice, but it explained a lot.

♪ You wish to tell

She spun Charlie around as she dressed her up and curled her hair. As she changed her clothes, like Charile's, just made her a bit fancier. Her clothing matched the theme of the song she had begun to sing.

♪ And it's just laughable

♪ But, hey, kid, what the Hell?

She tossed Charlie in the air at that verse, and Vaggie's boiling anger couldn't be more precise. Just then, she caught Charlie, just using her hand. As they started to tap-dance together.

♪ Cause you're one of a kind

♪ A charming demon belle!

The two of them started to slide down the railing as she went on to the next verse.

♪ Now, let's give these fools a place to dwell

At that, she changed everyone else's clothes to make the tone of her song. Though, she didn't mess with my attire as she continued.

♪ Take it, boys!

Shadow demons started to appear from the floorboards as they began to play their music. Vaggie tried to get Charile's attention, but she was having too much fun to notice. As Ameila's shadow demons popped in front of Vaggie, they all said, "Boo!"

♪ Inside of every demon is a lost cause

She approached Angel and snapped as a fedora appeared on Angel's head.

♪ But we'll dress them up for now with just a smile

Her shadow demons repeated the line, "With just a smile!". As Amelia danced back over to Charlie.

♪ And we'll chlorinate this cesspool with some old redemption flair

Amelia kicked a skull, but Nifty quickly cleaned it up. As she continued her song.

And show these simpletons some proper class and style

Like backup singers, her shadow demons repeated the last line, "Class and style!". She motioned her hand towards the ground, singing the following line of her song.

♪ Oh, here below the ground

♪ I'm sure your plan is sound

She twirled Charlie around as she started on the last line.

♪ They'll spend a little time down at this Hazbin Ho-

Her beautiful voice was interrupted by the explosion of the hotel door. Knocking Nifty away, all of us looking out. The now giant hole in the wall was a sizeable mechanical ship. Just as the demon who built such an... odd contraption spoke.

"Hah! Well, well, well. Look who it is, harboring the stupid freak! We meet again, Alastor!" The snake-like demon announced.

Though completely confused, irritated, and bored of this demon, I kept my smile. "Do I know you?"

The snake's ego deflated, a temporary happiness for me. "Oh, yes, you do!" He yelled angerily as he pulled a lever. "And now I have the element of - SURPRISE!" His distant voice could be heard through all the noise, "Haha! I'm so evil!".

Not only is this embarrassing for the creature, but I find it entertaining. To think of such things as possible. Ha! I snapped my fingers, summoning an otherworldly portal that appeared, giant black tentacles coming out, about to bring upon his demise.

The tentacles grabbed the ship, wrapping around the entire thing, crushing it as it was pulled down into the portal. But... I didn't tell them to do that. I made a slight glance to the right of me, Amelia, her fist was clenched into a fist. A sinister smile spread across her face, matching mine. Interesting, fascinating even.

The snake demon was gone, and as the tension was high, I could sense the fear within the others. The fear of me and Amelia, why it was delightful!

But all good things must come to an end. Cutting the tension, my smile returned to its usual fake, plastered one, "...Well, I'm starved! Who wants some Jambalaya? My mother once showed me a wonderful recipe for Jambalaya. It nearly killed her! Hahaha! You could say the kick was right out of Hell! Ohoho, I'm on a roll! Yes, sir!"

Amelia joined in as she walked at my side, "This is the start of some real changes down here! The game is set! Now...".

The sign above the hotel changed from its pitiful name, 'Happy Hotel,' to 'Hazbin Hotel.' As her smile widened just the tiniest bit, you'd have to pay close attention and look for it. As she then finished, "Stay tuned...".

Her magic it was dangerous, perhaps more powerful than my own. To think there was another demon in the seven circles similar to myself. I would be foolish ever to believe that I could crush her as easily as any other sinner. Who is this demon, really? I get this feeling in her presence, something so intriguing yet warning simultaneously. I must know, who is the Music Demon?

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