Alastor - To Follow?

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The door opened as I continued to make my way onto the chair that sat by the couch. Vaggie quickly ran up to her, showing genuine happiness. Charlie's here. I really didn't overhear most of the conversation between them, but for the most interesting reason, Charlie seemed sad. Well, that's a new look. My smile widened a bit, entertainment

That's when I felt it, her presence. My smile widened; why today is just full of entertainment! Yes, indeed. "Why hello, darling!" I exclaimed as I turned my head to face Amelia.

 "Hello, Al." She responded simply, her teeth showing her wide smile. "I must ask, what is it that entertains you so much at this hotel? I don't see you as the type to enjoy such things like redemption." She asked, closing her smile as she made eye contact with me.

Curious one, are we? I decided to respond, just out of my curiosity about how this would play out. "Well, there's only so much entertainment for something as pitiful as this! Wouldn't you agree?" I smiled wide, time I got some answers out of her. I continued, "But there's something else here. A feeling, a feeling that I can't shake off... a feeling of remembrance. Something else too, like darkness, a dark power... it intrigues me indeed."

Her eye twitches just a bit, just barely noticeable. Something I tend to do myself when I'm annoyed or...or angry. She was angry, so I was right... I smirk just a bit. She knows something, and this little secret of hers will be entertaining to figure out. It's only a matter of time.

The Music Demon was about to speak but was interrupted by the sound of Vaggie's voice approaching. "Come on!" She exclaimed as she sat on the couch with Charlie; she was still nervous,  I chuckled to myself.

Angel grabbed at the remote, and turned on that thing. Our commercial came up, only to be interrupted by the 666 News Station. 

"Aw! Come on! What's so important now?!" Angel complained as the others started to complain, but me, Amelia, and Nifty just sat there, waiting to be intrigued.

The 666 News Station came up. Interesting. Katie Killjoy is the first to speak out of the two, "Breaking news in Hell today! We have just received word from the Heaven Embassy that the next Extermination is happening sooner than ever before. Do you know what that means, Tom?" She asked.

Tom responded to her question, "No, what does that mean, Katie?"

Katie answered the question, keeping an angry smile and her eye continued to twitch, "It means we're all royally fucked!"

The screen changed to a view of the clock tower the countdown towards sinner's death. The day count spun down to a total of only 176 days until extermination. As the sinners of Hell started to run around in fear, screaming.

As the news station went off air, Angel was the first to speak, his face full of surprise. "Wait. What? Why?!"

All of us were completely clueless, or at least the majority. This was quite predicted, and it seemed Amelia saw things the same way. By the way Charlie's face looked, it was quite clear. My smile grew just a bit, this would be fun indeed. But it seemed someone wasn't so happy?

I turned to look behind me, Amelia had her claws dug into my chair, and her smile seemed tight. I made eye contact with her, as she immediately pulled her hand away. 

"Apologies," Was the only thing she said, it looked like it hurt to speak? Hm. My smile widened, fun. She summoned her microphone into her hand, as she left. Why didn't she just teleport?

Follow or not to follow? My smile widened, there's really only one option here. Follow.

I got up from my seat, as I announced my departure, "I'm making my departure, I should be back later on." And with that I snapped, teleporting out of the hotel.

"Now, just where did you go?" I asked myself, scanning the area, as a sinner screamed past. That's when I felt it. That pull, that power.

It felt...dangerous? There was struggle, I felt her, the Music Demon. Her power, but the darkness that followed her. It seemed so much...stronger than before. 

My shadow appeared beside me, "Don't do it. I know what you're thinking. Don't." He told me, narrowing his eyes.

I only widened my smile, "Why shouldn't I? She's never been a threat before, I can handle this." I reassured my shadow.

It only shook its head, "No, something is different this time. You should leave it." He told me, and this started to get old.

I narrowed my eyes slightly, "This is starting to get old. And last time I checked..." I turned my head to an odd angle, and my eyes started to turn into radio dials, "I control you."

My shadow, stared at me, in fear, only for a second. Before sighing, "I warned you." Was the last thing it said before it disappeared.

My face returned its regular look, as I dusted off my hands, sighing. "Well, now that that's over with. Let's find Amelia." My smile widened, as I summoned my microphone into my hand, and started towards the feeling of Amelia's magic.

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