Alastor - Dinner?

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Pretend the woman is Amelia instead!!


Amelia and I got into deep conversation with each other as we continued to walk through my territory. At this point, I'd completely forgotten what I had started a conversation with her for. To find out answers to my questions. I'd originally planned to get her to tell me what I wanted to know without her knowing it.

But that didn't go as planned. Instead, I conversed with her completely unrelated to anything that mattered. Yet, I enjoyed it for some unknown reason. So now, I'll have to put it out there: it's not how I usually do things, but my time is running short, and night is falling.

I started, "Amelia, something's been bugging me, and-" I was cut short by Amelia's sudden proposal.

"Alastor, would you like to go out to dinner?" She asked suddenly, letting go of my arm to stand before me, a light pink tint on her face, "It's getting late, and I don't think either of us has had any dinner." She insisted as I stood in slight surprise, sharing her expression.

"I-Um," I stumbled on my own words as I looked at her; despite her alluding smile, I could tell she was embarrassed. That's a first, maybe... I'll just see how this goes. But it's still a risky move. But, if I do get close to her, I should be able to get her to slip up. And her soul... will be mine. My smile widened at the thought as I answered, "Of course, dear."

Though I couldn't deny it, some bothersome part of me desired an event as such...

"I'll-" Amelia was about to continue, but I interrupted her statement, knowing that she had planned on saying.

"No, no, no. Please, I'll come over to your room. I already have a place in mind, dear. No lady needs to go through all that trouble; just be ready in the next hour." I said as she nodded, teleporting away.

That was very unlike Amelia. Knowing her mysterious, deceiving, and sadistic personality. I've never seen her act like that before. But, now that I think about it, this wouldn't be the first time. Back to yesterday morning, she seemed so... eustatic? And that's something I never believed that Amelia would show. Not only that, but she seemed genuinely happy.

Something has been a bit off lately. But it's not just her; it's me as well. I've been so... out of character lately. It seems that with her around, I tend to slip up. Breaking the fake smile I wear... into a real one. I want to hate it, but I don't...

I sighed as I let my thoughts wander off, and I spun my microphone around, snapping my fingers, arriving back at the hotel. As I played around with my outfit, I didn't want something too far off my style, but at the same time, I wanted it to seem more formal.

With the snap of my fingers, my outfit changed from one to another. Until finally, I exclaimed, "There, perfect." I dusted off my coat and just checked my outfit a bit.

I had a white undershirt, topped with a black bowtie rather than my usual red one. And my overcoat was the usual red, with lighter red trimmings looking nicer at the ends than my other coat,  with my usual pants. All topped off with a top hat, red with a bit of black. Satisfied, I took my microphone, which was leaning onto the wall, and left the room.

It's not like the walk to Amelia's room was long; she was beside me. But it felt long; I was a bit jittery? But that can't be. No, The Radio Demon... nevrous? As if.

  I knocked on the door and waited for a response. "Amelia?" I asked as I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped slightly before composing myself, ignoring that little embarrassment. 

"I'm ready," Amelia said, but I wasn't focused on her words; I was awed. It's rare that I ever see Amelia with any change in clothing. I cleared my throat as I interlocked my arm with hers. I felt her tense just a bit before relaxing into my arm as I led her to the spot. "You never told me where we were going, Alastor."

I took a few steps, timing this perfectly, "Why tell you," I opened the doors to a building, "When can I show you?" I asked, revealing a rather large club filled with people, a bar, dining tables, a karaoke stage, and a dancing floor. 

"Welcome to Mimzy's," I announced, feeling quite proud in this little performance I'd pulled. 

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