Amelia - Pancake Flipping Competition?

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My eyes fluttered open as I adjusted to my surroundings. The last thing I could remember was Vox, fight, the Terror, and...Alastor. Alastor! I instantly sat up, running my eyes around the room; pink, I'm in my room. So... I'm not dead. Hm. I rubbed my eyes a bit as I turned to beside me.

For a moment, I discarded any thoughts as I looked at the person in red beside me. My eyes adjusted as the figure became more apparent. "...Alastor?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows slightly before realizing it was Alastor. "Alastor?!" I exclaimed in surprise. 

Alastor smirked as he laid there all comfortable, "Morning, dear!" he announced, "You were out for quite a while!"

I looked at him in complete silence as one question came to mind, "Why are you in my bed?" I asked, completely deadpan, keeping a smile on my face but in clear annoyance.

His smirk faded into a regular smile as he tapped his fingers against his leg, silence filling the room with awkwardness. And I swear a light tint of red faded onto Alastor's face as he cleared his throat, "You, um, asked me to stay...". He made light eye contact with me before diverting his eyes away, gaining his confidence back. "And who am I to ignore a lady's request?"

There's no way I asked him to stay while I was unconscious. Maybe he's lying? Or maybe I have a really bad problem with this... thing for Alastor. I sighed as I slid out of my bed covers. Just as I'm about to take another step forward, another memory floods back to me, and I stop dead in my tracks.

"Alastor..." I turned to face him again, looking him dead in the eye, and he knew what I would say. "Where-" Just as I was about to ask my question, he snapped his fingers.

In his hand, he conjured up my folders, "They served their purpose." I got up, and he placed the folders down on my desk where they had initially been sat. As he made his way to my door, he placed his hand on the knob. Hestaintly made one last comment before he left, his voice darkening, "I've learned everything I need to." With that, he opened the door, his voice returning to its regular tone, announcing one last thing before leaving, "I'll see you for breakfast downstairs!"

The door shut, leaving me in my thoughts alone, as I headed towards my desk. My fingers traced around the folders before finally opening them, names listed on the first page. From Adam to Zestial, and more not to be spoken of. Each folder contains every piece of information on each person. I flipped through, looking for one folder in particular, one folder I'd hoped Alastor hadn't seen.

I flipped through right before stopping at one in particular. I read it in my head, looking at the titled folder, The Terror. I read through the summary of the creature. The Terror, a demon created from the evilest parts of Hell itself. The day Hell came to life when Lucifer fell, Hell's evilest desires conjured up this demon. Evil itself came to life; it wasn't a threat at first. But as Hell's numbers grew, so did it. In power and wanting destruction, this power was so great that even Lucifer couldn't rival it. The day came, the day the Terror rose. Just as it was about to destroy the balance of all existence in its winning battle with Lucifer, Lucifer came to a last resort. The only way to ensure the safety of everything he locked the demon away within the Libary of Forbidden Books, in one book mainly.

I scoffed; this may have been true, but it didn't mean someone wouldn't find it again. That someone finding it again being me. I closed the folder, and it seemed Alastor hadn't checked through that page. I sighed in relief as I snapped my fingers and replaced my clothes. Dusting them off as I made my way downstairs, the usual chaos in the area.

Charlie greeted me, and I replied with a smile, but that was the only attention I got from all the madness of the hotel. Though, through it all, Alastor was nowhere to be seen, I thought to myself for a moment before it clicked. Breakfast. He said breakfast, didn't he? So he's... My thoughts trailed off as I turned and made my way towards the kitchen door.

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