The Terror - Zestial?

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DON DON DON!!!! I bet y'all fuckers weren't expecting this! WELL HERE IT IS!!!!! Also, in case ya' didn't know, let me clarify, The Terror is the dark spirit within Amelia. Its current power and past are unknown to Amelia, but Amelia is slowly uncovering this dark past. So, chapters from The Terror's point of view mean that The Terror has taken over Amelia's body and is using it. This also means they've switched roles: Amelia is The Terror's placement, just being a voice, and The Terror is the actual demon. Amelia's appearance changes slightly; her entire eye becomes black, and this black substance drips from her eyes onto her face but never falls. The purple tips of her pink hair become black, and her shadow is no longer visible. LET'S GET STARTED ON THE STORY!!!!!!!


I moved my fingers as I looked in awe. My hand traveled up, touching my ear as it flickered in response. Then I trailed back down, barely touching my tail, and it darted in the other direction. 

My smile widened as I said, "I'm back."

I wouldn't think so. Don't be so quick to judge Terror. You may have escaped me, but your walls are breakable. So don't even think you'll be in control very long.

"Then," I started as I turned around, walking towards Zestial's direction, "Let's make it last, Amelia." with that, I snapped my fingers, becoming invisible to the eye, and my steps soundless as I followed Zestial and the others to another room.

Odette closed the door as she walked over to meet her sister. Carmella muttered something in Spanish as she poured herself a drink, taking a seat at her desk. At that moment, Zestial's eye flicked back, just for a moment. Staring right back at me as my smile grew. It seems he still remembers me and my old tricks. We were such good friends, weren't we?

Zestial decided to stay in conversation. Worried about his friend, he asked, "Carmilla, what troubles thou? Losing thy composure is unlike thee."

Carmella placed her drink down and sighed, "It's nothing, Zestial, really."

Wanting to confirm his suspicions, it seemed, he asked, "The felled angel... t'was by thy hand, was it not?"

She continued to brush it off, "Let's not talk about it."

That's when one of her daughters, Clara, interrupted, "Mom, maybe he should know."

In a slightly angered tone, she addressed her daughter, "Nobody should know. I did what I had to do. I am not discussing this."

Hm. This is unlike Carmella. But it's just an angel. Lucifer, Zestial, and I would go killing them all the time back then. And when Zestial met Carmella, she'd join in sometimes too. I wonder what the big deal is. Wait a second. My mind thought back to what Amelia heard Velvette say. "If these Holy Rollers can be killed, the game has changed."

I had to stop laughing, covering my mouth with my hand. They ACTUALLY didn't know that? Oh, Lucifer, how you've let Hell fall so far. I still hate you either way.

Zestial placed his hand on Carmella's shoulder, singing soulfully.

♪ What weighs on your soul, old friend? 

♪ I implore you to share the load 

♪ If it was thou who slew the angel 

♪ Why not let your strength be known? 

Carmella joined the song, oh, this is going to be long, isn't it? I didn't come here for a concert... let's risk it. I reached my hand out, pointing my pointer finger, and pressed at the air. Everything came to a sudden stop, and all of Hell paused for that one second. Only the strongest members of Hell can see me in this state. Which also means...

My eyes trailed back to Zestial, and he glanced over at me. Time was slowly starting to come back to its regular speed for him until he'd be able to fully move. I have to hurry. I'm not going to destroy all of Hell yet

Which means... I spoke to Zestial, who was now looking directly at me, "Sorry, old friend, can't talk just yet."

With those words, I started moving my pointer finger in circular motions toward the right of me as everything started to move slowly, then faster and faster. Then I stopped, as everything was paused again in a different position.

"Now we should be good..." I said as I placed my hand back down at my side, and time unpaused, leaving me invisible still.

Zestial looked at his old friend with compassionate eyes as he pulled Carmella into a hug. They stayed like that for a while; I smiled at the two. I was always telling him to make her his! The old guy's still too scared, maybe one day.

Carmella pulled away and walked over to her daughters, Odelette and Clara, "Come on, girls, we're heading home." She left the room with her daughters before glancing at Zestial, "...Thank you." With that, she left.

He continued to stare at the spot Carmella had just left, out the door. I smiled a small smile as I started walking closer to him. He pushed his arm out, stopping me in my tracks.

"I know you're there," He turned towards my direction to look me in the eye, "Lazarus." he glared at me, and my eyes widened for a second.

It's been forever since my actual name had addressed me. It feels... weird.

My expression calmed down and went back to its usual look. "Looks like there's no need for this then, old friend," I said as I became more visible, turning off my invisibility.

"What does thou want?" He asked, his voice laced with poison, as he placed his arm back.

"What's the harm in talking with an old friend? Hm?" I asked playfully as my smile widened, "Did you miss me?" I asked, putting my ears back on my head.

Zestial's expression only dimmed, "How did thou return?" he asked suspiciously, eyeing my appearance.

"Oh, this?" I motioned toward my body, waving my hand away, "Well, after thousands of years in that dastardly book, a little someone happened to stumble upon it. That just happened to be Amelia; she was the perfect host, let me tell you! She was great in power; she just needed me to perfect herself! So I did!" I chuckled at the happy day she found me, and my expression dimmed. "But, Zestial, old friend, my time is limited. This was a small visit; as I said, Amelia is strong. So, sadly, I cannot stay, but I want you to know I will return. I grow stronger as Amelia becomes weaker; soon, she won't be able to contain me anymore. And when that day comes, I promise you revenge will be mine," I walked towards the door, "Along with the rest of Hell." I chuckled as I walked out the door.

No. No. And no. This is not continuing.

"Come on! Not even some fresh air?" I begged as I started walking towards the lift. "I-" I felt that sharp pain in my chest as I came to an abrupt stop in front of the lift.

You're going back; you causing any more trouble is too much.

I couldn't even manage to get the energy to speak anymore as I fell onto the ground. Barely even able to keep myself balanced there. I clutched my chest, wow. Does it hurt this much? Who knew? Another sharp pain paused my thoughts as I blacked out. 

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