The End

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Kuroo smiled to himself as he laid in bed, Kenma in his arms. The short boy passed out while the two were watching movies. Kuroo kissed the top of his boyfriend's head. "I love you, Kenma. I promise to treat you right this time around. You mean everything to me. I'm still feeling bad that I hurt you all those times, but I'm glad you're forgiving my mistakes. You're the most important person to me. I won't let anything bad happen to you ever again. I'll protect you with my life. I will love you with everything I've got. This time, you'll be treated better. I want to give you everything that you deserve." He kissed Kenma again.

Kuroo squeezed the boy slightly, happy to have him in his arms. Nothing made Kuroo happier than to have Kenma with him. He regretted the way he was in the past, but he was working on fixing himself. He promised to be better, and he really was becoming a better person. Once again, Kuroo gave Kenma everything he wanted. Even if Kuroo was busy and had other things to do, he made time for Kenma.

Kenma finally felt important to Kuroo again. The setter was happy to have his boyfriend back.

And their love was stronger than ever.

The others around them saw things getting better between the two boys. They were all happy to see the smile return to Kenma's face. Even Hinata had been happy, though he threatened Kuroo at first. For someone so small, Hinata was actually pretty scary. Even Kuroo was scared to death, promising that he'd be much better for Kenma.

And Kuroo has successfully lived up to that promise.

Kenma became clingier to Kuroo, trying to spend as much time as possible with his boyfriend. Sometimes, Kuroo would be busy while Kenma was around, but he still made the time for the pudding head. And Kenma appreciated the fact that he was back to being a priority to Kuroo once more.

This time, it was going to last forever.

"I finally have all of your attention." The setter smiled in his sleep, while still being held by his boyfriend.

KuroKen was happy, and stronger than before. Things were working out, and this was probably the healthiest relationship of all.

They finally found their happiness. Both boys were working hard to keep this relationship going, neither wanting to deal with pain or heartbreak anymore. Kuroo and Kenma were in love.

And nothing would ever change their hearts.

The End

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