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After volleyball practice, Kuroo and Kenma were walking home together in total silence.

Kenma felt like something was wrong, considering Kuroo hadn't even tried to hold his hand.

Kenma decided to break the uncomfortable silence. "Um, Kuro?"

The tall, rooster headed male didn't look at him. "Yeah?"

"Is - is everything alright?"

"Fine. Why?" His responses were short, and it concerned Kenma. Kuroo never acted like this.

Kenma felt his chest tighten. "You just seem quieter today."

"I'm tired."

'Of me?' "Is it all the studying, or is it practice?"


"Do you wanna-"

"No, Kenma. I don't want to talk about it."

"O-ok. Do you wanna hang out tonight? Or maybe this weekend? We can just sit in the same room, if you'd rather study."

Kuroo finally turned his head, and looked at the pudding head. "What's up with you all of a sudden?"

"W-what? I just thought that you'd wanna spend some time together since you've been busy lately."

"I'd really rather not, Kenma. Just go to your house, and I'll go to mine. I need to study some more before going to bed."

Kenma looked at the ground, upset with Kuroo's response. "Ok."

They continued walking in silence until they reached Kenma's house.

Usually, they'd say goodbye before splitting up into their separate houses. They'd hug and kiss, almost stalling for time instead of going back to their homes.

Tonight was different, though. Kuroo just kept walking, he hadn't even turned to face Kenma. He didn't utter a single word.

From his front door, Kenma watched as Kuroo entered his house, not even sparing a glance in Kenma's direction to see if he was safely inside his own home. It made Kenma frown. Slowly and silently, he entered his house and took his shoes off. He dragged his feet as he went to his room and flopped down on his bed.

"Kuro, I miss you."

Kenma cried until he passed out, forgetting to set his alarm for the morning.

The Next Morning...

Kuroo left his house, briefly glancing at Kenma's house before walking past it.

Kenma, on the other hand, was still very much asleep in his bed. He was completely unaware of the time, and of the fact that he would be late to morning practice if he didn't get up and ready at this very moment.

After about an hour, his mom came into his room and saw him still asleep on his bed. "Kenma!"

The boy slowly woke up, still in his clothes from the previous day. He rubbed his eyes and looked at his mom. "Mom?"

"Don't you have practice?"

"Yeah, at, like, 6:30. Why?"

"It's 7:00 right now!"

Kenma's eyes widened, he jumped out of bed. "What?! Why didn't Kuro come wake me up?! Wait, did he come here for me earlier?"

His mom's expression dropped, a sad look filling her eyes. "No. He hasn't been over here in quite a while."

Kenma felt weaker suddenly. "Oh. I'm going to get ready and head to school."

His mother nodded, leaving the room. Kenma rushed to get ready, changing into his clothes and grabbing everything he'd need for both school and practice. Tears streamed down his face the entire morning.

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