He's... here?

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It was the day after the training camp ended, the full week had ended and Kenma was out of the hospital. Everyone from the training camp, aside from Kuroo at the moment, decided to hang out at a cafe.

Kenma was informed of this, and had decided that he finally wanted to see his friends. They, however, had not been warned about Kenma's exact condition. Yaku didn't want to tell them, and Lev did whatever Yaku wanted so that he wouldn't get hit.

As the group was talking about volleyball, more specifically the training camp, a figure came up to them. "Hey." It said.

They turned to see someone that hadn't been there the whole time. Some smiled, others looked as if they were going to cry.

"Kenma!" Hinata got up and ran to his friend, hugging him tightly.

Kenma smiled, returning his friend's hug. "Hey, Shoyo. I missed you."

"I missed you too! Never leave me alone at training camp like that!"

The pudding head chuckled, rubbing the ginger's back. "I won't, Shoyo. Sorry."

Everyone else got up.

"Kyanma!" Yamamoto ran over to his setter. "What happened?! Are you alright now?! We were all worried!"

Kenma's smile weakened. "Oh, sorry." He looked at the ground, not knowing how to break the news to his friends. "I, uh, tried to kill myself."

Everyone stood in shock, not expecting him to answer honestly and with those words. Even Hinata let go, and stepped away to star at Kenma.

"Why?" Hinata had tears in his eyes, his face full of pain for his best friend.

Kenma met his gaze. "I don't know. I just felt really depressed and I don't know why, but I'm going to be alright. I'm getting better now." He smiled wider.

It shocked people to see him smile. He looked like someone new. Was this really the same Kenma they had known? It wasn't, but they didn't know that.

"Lev and Yaku took care of me. Thanks for that. I don't think I'd be here without you two."

Yaku smiled, wiping the tears from his eyes. "It was nothing. As long as you're fine now..."

"I am. I don't think I've ever been better."

The group sat back down, Hinata insisting that Kenma sit right next to him. They continued their little gathering, eventually going to a park near Kenma and Kuroo's houses.

Some of the boys were playing a little volleyball, others watched, and some just chatted with each other. That was until someone walked up to them after a spotting a certain pudding head.

"Kenma!" The voice called out.

The pudding head turned his head to where the unfamiliar voice called his name. "Rooster?"

Akaashi chuckled from beside him. "That's a first from you, Kenma."

Kenma stared, confused at the approaching rooster head. "Um, hi?"

Everyone stopped, seeing Kuroo walking right up to Kenma with a smirk on his face. Yaku and Lev tensed, knowing this was going to be stressful for everyone. Poor Kenma was so confused, not knowing this person nor how they knew his name.

"Are you alright, Kenma?" Kuroo leaned closer to the boy.

Yaku stood right next to Kenma, worried about what might happen.

Kenma looked from Yaku to the rooster. "Um, yeah?"

He chuckled. "Why do you seem so unsure?"

"Uh, who are you?"

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