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The problems with relationships for Kenma was that they required him to put effort into something that wasn't his video games. In fact, it meant he would usually have to pay less attention to his games. Though, if it was for his childhood best friend, Kuroo Tetsurou, then Kenma was willing to try his best. Sometimes Kenma would get into various moods. Sometimes he'd push Kuroo away, sometimes he's become desperate for the taller boy's attention. There was never a moment that Kuroo hadn't done whatever Kenma wanted.

However, things were starting to change. Kuroo would be graduating high school soon, leaving Kenma alone more. Kenma knew this, and decided that it was normal. He didn't want to make a big deal of it, or try holding Kuroo back. Though, with all the exam preparation Kuroo has been doing, the two didn't get to spend as much time together.

At times, Kenma would miss Kuroo. Other times, he'd just play video games and almost forget about his boyfriend. In those instances, Kuroo made sure to call or text Kenma, reminding the setter to properly take care of himself. Kenma would sometimes listen. Or, if he really wanted Kuroo's attention, he would tell the middle blocker to take care of him.

Usually, Kuroo would drop everything to take care of his boyfriend, but now he loses his patience and lets Kenma know that he can't. It frustrated both of them to no end, but neither of them could do a thing about it.

At school, they didn't even hang out. All the third years had been working extra hard, and studying like they needed to do. This caused Kenma to usually eat lunch with Lev.

Today, the setter started venting to Lev. "It suck. Why can't Kuro make more time for me? he could even just study at my house."

Lev nodded, clearly understanding. "Yeah. Yaku-san hasn't been spending much time with me lately, but he tries to make some time for me on the weekends. We sometimes go on dates, or just study together."

Kenma rolls his eyes. "Wow, Lev. That makes me feel so much better about my own relationship."

Lev nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry. Have you and Kuroo-san talked about this?"

"No. he's too busy to talk to anyone."

"But he's always talking and laughing with the other third years." The silver haired boy pointed out.

Kenma sighed. "That's because they all study together. They're in the same boat."

Just then, Inuoka, Shibayama, Yamamoto, and Fukunaga appeared. They sat with the two boys.

"Boyfriend troubles?" Yamamoto joked.

Kenma deadpanned. "Yes, actually."

Everyone became serious once Kenma spoke.

Yamamoto glanced at the setter. "Is Kuroo still too busy for you, Kenma?"

"Of course he is, Tora. He always is. It's fine, I guess."

Inuoka cut in. "Is it really?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?"

Shibayama looked away. "Well, you seemed down lately during practices, Kenma-san."

"I don't." He tried defending himself.

The others replied in unison. "You do."

Fukunaga couldn't even smirk. "You're lonely. You miss him, and it shows."

Kenma huffed, not facing the others.

Fukunaga offered a weak smile. "Text him. It might help."

"He'll answer eventually." Yamamoto was concerned for his friend and teammate.

Kenma sighed. "Fine. I'll text him."

To: Kuro

From: KenKen
Hey Kuro
I miss you
Can we hangout?
You can just sit in my room and study, if you want

Kenma sighed.


Kenma shook his head. "Maybe he's just busy."

"You know..." Yamamoto leaned in closer to Kenma. "They say that this could be a sign for a breakup, or he's cheating on you."

Kenma's eyes widened for a moment, but he quickly returned them to normal. "Kuro wouldn't do that."

"He might. With how you act, I'm surprised if he hasn't already."

"How I act?" Kenma tilted his head, making eye contact with the ace.

Yamamoto stared at him, almost shocked. "Kyanma!"

"What? And never say my name like that again."

"I can't believe you!"


Yamamoto shook his head. "You always act cold and indifferent. It seems like you hate Kuroo and his attempts to be affectionate with you. You pay more attention to your games instead of your own boyfriend!"

"That's not true." Kenma argued.

The other just looked at the setter in disbelief.

"It's true, Kenma."

Kenma whipped around and saw Yaku standing behind him. "When did you get here, Yaku? You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry, Kenma. I just got here. I was gonna help Lev study for his tests next week. I couldn't help but overhear a small portion of the conversation. Mainly the part about your behavior towards Kuroo."

"What do you mean?"

Yaku sighs and sits down next to Lev, who wraps his arms around the smaller boy. "Well, what Yamamoto said was true. Kuroo even complains to Kai and I about how little affection you give and allow him to give you."

"I didn't know..." Kenma looks at the ground.

Yaku sighs again. "Look, just go to the library. He should be studying right now. Go see if he'll take a little break and go to the roof with you. Ok?"

"Ok." Kenma nodded, gathering his things and preparing to head back to his class. "Thanks, guys. This talk helped a little."

"No prob."

As Kenma starts walking away, Yaku turns to his half Russian boyfriend. "Did he vent to you about feeling lonely with Kuroo studying so much?"

Lev nodded, smiling at the older boy. "Yeah. He seemed really upset, and slightly irritated. he didn't even bring his games."

"As wonderful as that sounds, it's slightly concerning. I wonder if he'll be alright."

Fukunaga shrugged. "Maybe, or maybe that will happen."

Everyone nodded, coming to an agreement.

Kuroo and Kenma's relationship might be close to ending...

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