They're Back

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The fixed couple walks into the club room together, hand in hand. They see the other members of Nekoma turn to look at them. Eyes widened when they saw Kuroo and Kenma holding hands. What shocked them most were the smiles on the lovers' faces.

Kai smiled at the two. "Is everything alright now?"

Kenma nodded. "I remembered everything."

Kuroo continued, explaining further so that his boyfriend didn't have to. "We fixed everything. I know I was in the wrong the whole time, and I promised Kenma that I'd do whatever it takes to make things right between the two of us."

Yaku sighed. "Well, I'm glad that you two are happy. But, Kuroo, if you hurt Kenma even one time, I'll kill you."

Kuroo had a drop of sweat roll down his face. "Duly noted."

Kenma rolled his eyes, starting to get changed into his practice attire. "Don't threaten him yet. I'll let you know what happens. If I tell you things get bad even, then you can have my protect to hurt Kuro till your heart's content. But first, I just want to see how things are going to start working out. Consider it like a trial and error time period."

Lev smiled. "I'm just glad that you're back to normal, Kenma-san. It's good to have you like this."

Yamamoto nodded, agreeing with the first year. "It's great to have our setter back. I'm glad you're happy again, Kenma. Just, don't hesitate to come to us if you ever have a problem. We all wanna be there for you."

Kuroo grinned. "Don't worry about any of that. Kenma and I already talked about all of that. Not only are we gonna work on our communication as a couple, but we're gonna work about talking things out with all of you as well. We are still a team, our communication and understanding of each other is the most important thing to us. We need to function as a unit, not as a group of individuals."

Kenma sighed. "Your speeches are always weird, Kuro."

"KYANMA! At least try to act like it doesn't always bother you when I try giving motivational speeches!" Kuroo put his head down, feeling bummed out as he began to change.

Kenma smiled slightly. "Those speeches are what make you who are you, though. I don't hate them. I think that's just part of why I love you, even if what you say annoys me a little."

Kuroo just gave a blank stare. "I can't tell if I should be happy, or remain bummed out."

Yaku chuckled. "Cheer up. Kenma is telling you that he loves you for who you always are, he's just saying it in his own way. Don't expect him to be openly sweet all the time."

Kenma chuckled. "Don't worry, Kuro. You don't annoy me. I like having you around more than anything." The setter finishes getting changed before all the other members, heading to the door. "I love you, you weird rooster." He leaves the club room, closing the door behind him.

The rest of the Nekoma team stood in silence at what their setter had just said. Soon, they broke out into chaos. Most of them were laughing, but Kuroo whined about what Kenma had called him. In the end, they all finished getting changed and headed to the gym. Their morning practice carried on like normal. Everyone was in a good mood, playing at their best. Smiles rested on the boys' faces, seeing how things were finally going back to normal.

Today was a good day for the Nekoma boys' volleyball team. It was even better for Kuroo and Kenma's relationship.

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