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TW: Mentions of suicidal thoughts and actions

Kenma's thoughts grew darker and he refused to take care of himself. He didn't even allow anyone to get close to him. Soon, he stopped leaving his room completely, skipping both school and practice.

Everyone on the team notice this of course, but Kuroo hadn't done anything about it, against all of Yaku's nagging.

Soon, Nekoma had a training camp with Karasuno and Fukurodani. Everyone noticed the pudding head was missing.

Hinata was the first to say something aloud. "Where's Kenma?"

Kuroo became irritated. "Who knows, who cares." His tone was harsh, everyone noticed the change in his tone and behavior.

Yaku decided to take over for the irritable captain. "He hasn't said anything to any of us. He also hasn't been coming to school or practices."

"Maybe he's sick?" Akaashi tried giving a reasonable excuse for the missing setter, though he didn't believe it himself.

Hinata pouted. "He promised that he'd set to me this time, and that he'd teach me one of his new video games."

Bokuto went up to the tangerine. "Don't worry about sets! Akaashi can set to you and I so we can both practice!"

Hinata brightened. "Really?! You'd share Akaashi-san with me?!"


The two looked at the setter they were talking about.

Akaashi sighed. "Yeah. I'll give you and Bokuto-san plenty of sets, Hinata."

"Yay!" The two energetic boys shouted, running in circles around poor Akaashi.

Yaku and Lev looked at each other. They knew something was wrong, they just didn't know what exactly was wrong.

"Maybe we should call Kenma-san?" Lev tried whispering to his short boyfriend... but failed.

Hinata managed to hear it. "We're calling Kenma?!" He asked a little too loud.

Kuroo heard and whipped around to face the short boy. Yet he remained silent.

Meanwhile, with Kenma...

The boy stayed in bed, much thinner than he was a few weeks ago. He didn't move from his spot in bed and rarely ate, even when his mom came into his room to bring him food. He had cried until no more tears came out, his eyes still stinging.

'I hate this. Why am I still alive? Kuroo obviously doesn't love me anymore. So, why? Why am I still here?'

They boy got up from his bed and left his room for the first times in weeks, heading straight for the kitchen.

He grabbed a knife from one of the drawers and went back to his room, locking the door behind him.

'Who cares what happens to me? I don't want to be here anymore.'

He lifts the knife up to his exposed arm, the blade touching his paling skin. He slashes the blade across his wrists, moving up his forearms after very cut. After the damage was done, Kenma dropped the knife and began sobbing uncontrollably.

'Fuck! What do I do?! What about Yaku and Lev? My mom, and Shoyo...'

The boy completely broke down, tears being replenished in his eyes and streaming down his face. He silently cursed himself, his existence, then, eventually, Kuroo.

He was partially snapped out of this state when his phone rang. He answered without checking the caller id.

"Kenma!" Hinata's voice came from the other line.

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