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Within an hour, Lev and Yaku appeared at Kenma's front door, letting themselves in and heading straight to Kenma's room. There, they found the weakened boy curled up with the blankets on his bed, sobbing.

"Kenma-san!" Lev tried smiling and getting Kenma's attention, but failed miserably.

Yaku walked over and gently placed his hand on Kenma's head. "Did you eat yet?"

Kenma looked up at him. "No. I haven't left my room since I woke up."

"You wearing clothes, or...?"

The pudding head nodded. "Even though it hurt, I did get up to put on a hoodie and sweatpants."

Yaku nodded, sighing softly. "How bad?"

"It hurt, it still does."

Lev chimed in. "Yaku said the same thing when he and I first-"


Kenma continued. "I don't wanna go to school or practice anymore."

"I understand, but Kuroo seems to be acting like nothing happened. In fact, he's flirting with some of his fan girls."

"Whatever. I don't care what he does, as long as he stays away from me." Kenma shrunk back into his blankets.

Lev looked at Yaku. "Is there anything we can do?"

"Don't let Kuroo anywhere near me." The blankets muffled Kenma's voice, but the two boys heard him.


"Kenma, you've only rested at home for a day. Are you sure that you're ready to come back to school? We have practice after school today."

"I'm fine, Yaku. Or, at least I think I'll be fine. If it seems like Kuroo's gonna be do something, you guys will be there to stop him."

Yaku sighed. "You're right. Just find Lev and I at lunch, and steer clear of that fucking rooster."

"Will do."

Lunch had been uneventful, nothing happened at all. At least, that was how it went until the final moments.

Yaku already threatened Kuroo, warning him to never go near Kenma again. But Kuroo didn't care. He had been thinking, and kind of felt bad about what he did to Kenma. He wanted to try to make things right with the setter. The rooster head found the boy he was looking for. And, luckily for Kuroo, Kenma was all alone. He took that opportunity to approached the boy. "Kenma."

Kenma looked up to face who called his name, his eyes widening the moment they landed on Kuroo. "Kuroo?!" He tried getting up to run.

Kuroo grabbed his wrist. "Please, let me talk to you. I know that what I did was unforgivable and I regret it. I was a terrible boyfriend and couldn't give you the attention you needed and wanted."

"Kuroo, I don't care about whatever happened before. I forgot it. Who cares?! I just don't want you touching me, or being anywhere near me anymore!"

Kuroo's grip tightened. "Please, Kenma!" He pleaded. "I'm sorry for everything."

"Don't do it."

"I was an idiot. I was selfish. I made many mistakes, and I regret it." Kuroo had tears in his eyes, slowly starting to spill.

Kenma's tears were already falling. "Don't say it."

Kuroo's voice cracked as he continued. "I love you, Kenma. I need you. You complete me. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right between us. Just, don't go. Don't leave me. Not like this. We can at least try to fix things, right?"


"Please, Kenma..."

Without another word, Kuroo gently pressed his lips against Kenma's. He pulls aways slowly, after being attached to the other boy's lips for a few moments. "Kenma, I really am sorry. I hate that I hurt you. I've always been in love with you." He turns and walks away, heading back to his own class.

Kenma just stands there, gripping the spot of his shirt that rests over his heart. 'What is this feeling?'

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