Chapter 26: Year Five

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Holly decides to intimidate some people for their own good, Voldemort makes a major move, Holly starts her offense with a bang, and the Room is supportive to Hermione in her trying times.


I'll be be trying to post monthly from now on. I write best when I have a posting schedule to keep and I should be able to write one chapter a month even while busy irl. Plus I've got a decent backlog.

I posted a future oneshot omake in this series too! It's set Post-Hogwarts but Pro-Ironman debut, and features Holly's usual hijinks. (I'll post this here too)

After talking with Hermione, something weird happened that night. Something that hadn't happened to Holly in years: her roommates tried to talk to her.

That hadn't happened since... the beginning of second year maybe?

There had been a few times she vaguely noticed them looking at her kinda weird. Like when she added silencing charms to her bed. And after the Yule Ball. And when she added defensive charms after Adult Tom's return.

But what could they possibly want? They'd had a good unspoken system going: she never talked to them and they never talked to her. Considering she was only ever in their dorm to sleep, she forgot they existed most of the time.

It was the perfect roommate relationship in her opinion.

There was also the fact she still didn't know their names... wait, didn't Hermione say one of their names once? Wasn't it something like Paddy? Partma? That sounded almost right.

Ignorant of her confusion, one of her roommates kept talking at her. "-we've never talked, but I wanted to let you know both my sister and I support you."

In the background her other roommates she could see were both awkwardly nodding along.

"Oh." What the hell could she say to that? Was there any good response to that? Best to keep it simple and not get sucked into a conversation.

"Thanks? Goodnight."

With that Holly finished warding her bed into a functional bomb shelter and laid down for the night.


The first day of the term Holly spent the entire morning training and exercising in the Room, skipping History of Magic and enjoying the free time where she'd normally have potions. She hadn't skipped history of magic in the past but since it was useless she figured nobody would care.

Besides, everybody had better things to worry about then that.

After a shower, a brief mental attack, and lunch spent arguing with Hermione over the uselessness of History of Magic, she had another useless class to go to: Muggle Studies.

Holly... really wasn't sure why she was even in the class still, she'd already learned firsthand wizards wouldn't recognize a gun. The class could be genuinely useful for most wizards considering how ignorant they were, but it was worse than useless for her considering how much better the time could be spent. Especially when the curriculum was trash. She didn't need to waste her time learning about common kitchen appliances.

Could she drop the class? Or jump up several grades and test out of it like she did with potions?

Actually, could she do that for all of her useless classes? Was there a minimum number of classes she needed to stay enrolled?

Something to look into later.

After muggle studies was something far more interesting: Defense with Sirius teaching. Class started with a bang – literally – as Sirius kicked open the classroom door while launching fireworks, a manic smile wide across his face.

Holly Potter: The Bookish, Burgling, Badass (Hp x Mcu) by Personfour Where stories live. Discover now