Chapter 21: Year Four (X)

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Holly learns about the consequences of her actions, causes significant stress to everyone around her, learns an obvious truth years late, and goes international.

When Holly returned to consciousness it was not a slow and gradual process. The instant she felt the slightest sense of awareness her eyes snapped open, and abruptly sat up, looking around for anything that needed cursing.

After a few panicked seconds of looking around she spotted her wand on a bedside table and summoned it. She was obviously in some sort of hospital, the sterile feeling was obvious. In a chair nearby Sirius was hunched over asleep but stirring slowly. That was a good sign.

"Hey, Sirius, where are we?"

His head snapped up, blankly staring at her before he rushed in to hug her. Which, ok, she could admit she liked his hugs but that didn't stop it from hurting her still healing body. She flinched in pain slightly, making Sirius jump back.

"I'm so sorry Holly! Are you ok? Do you need a healer? Do you want a pain potion? Are you bleeding? Are-"

"Sirius! I'm fine, take a breath." She shifted the robes someone put her in (seemed like the wizarding equivalent of a hospital gown?) to expose her injured hip. The bite wound was still visible, with a clear red outline and some bruising, but mostly healed-over looking.

Either her regenerative elixir had worked extremely well or it'd been a couple weeks. Good thing she had someone to ask.

"How long has it been?"

Sirius, looking rather stubbly and exhausted answered, "about a day and a half. The healers were amazed at how fast you started healing." He gave her a shrewd look, "I take it you used the phoenix tears?"

"Mhm, I think I found the best way to use them." Before Sirius could ask she asked her other pressing question. "Do you know what happened to the snake?"

"I know Dumbledore is the one that got it off you. There was something weird about it, it resisted any spells thrown at it. Dumbledore restrained it somehow but I don't know about after that." He sat down next to her on the bed, letting her rest her head on his shoulder. "I'm so glad you're ok Prongslet. You gave us all a scare arriving like that."

"I'm just glad it worked. I let the snake bite me just before grabbing the portkey so I could (hopefully) take it with me."

Sirius stilled before slowly turning to her with an unreadable expression. "You... let it bite you?"

"That snake is important. It was my only chance to get it away from him."

For some reason he looked furious, abruptly standing up and looking down at her. "You let it bite you!?"

"It was a liquid luck idea. Don't worry, I made sure it didn't hit anywhere important. Plus I heal super fast and (now I know) I'm immune to its venom. Relax."

When Sirius didn't respond immediately, she took the moment to conjure a patronus. She really didn't want to talk to him but she had no other choice. So, for the first time ever, Holly intentionally sent a message to Albus Dumbledore.

"Hey professor, I just woke up. Can we talk? It's kinda important. Thanks." A second later her raven patronus flew off.

Message sent, she looked back to a still furious-looking Sirius. She should say something reassuring, right?

"Soon as the old man gets her I'll explain what happened." Actually, wasn't there a better way to do this? "Flory?"

Instantly the elf appeared, looking overjoyed.

Holly Potter: The Bookish, Burgling, Badass (Hp x Mcu) by Personfour Where stories live. Discover now