Chapter 11: Summer 1994

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A certain (not yet) pirate gets a cameo, Holly earns a new epitaph, Sirius lives up to his name, and Holly has a personal revelation.

Nick Fury, junior S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, was reading an intelligence report, trying and failing not to be impressed.

In the last 14 days there had been 14 high profile robberies concentrated around London. One every day. Each of them targeting various wealthy individuals implicated in scandals.

Every one of them was a complete mystery. No clear points of entry, no witnesses, no security alarms tripped, nothing. Some of them had even been while the owners were home, but they'd heard nothing.

The only evidence was safes left hanging open and empty, bank accounts hacked, assorted valuables missing, and (strangely enough) several personal libraries gone. Simply vanished into thin air.

It was like the burglar was a ghost.

Nick's first thought was insurance fraud but it didn't fit. They would've had to coordinate it ahead of time, and even then, they couldn't make their valuables vanish without a trace.

After the first week the newspapers were calling them "The Phantom Thief." Rather theatrical but somehow accurate.

Thankfully he wasn't the agent in charge of tracking them down. That job seemed doomed to failure.

But he was interested. A master thief could make a good S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

All the while he had the strangest feeling. That, somehow, he was certain he'd meet them one day. He didn't understand it but he knew to trust his gut.

Meanwhile, Holly was walking down a London sidewalk reading a newspaper with a smile.

'The Phantom Thief' hmm, not bad. I mean it's not great but it could be worse I guess. Maybe next year I could leave a calling card? Something to consider.'

She walked up the steps and knocked on the door of Sirius's flat, letting herself in when she heard a yell.

The inside looked exactly like she expected. That is, like a bachelor pad of someone who'd only lived there a few months. Mostly empty with mismatched furniture and scattered takeout boxes. That wasn't concerning.

What was concerning was an unusually serious looking Sirius at the table reading the newspaper. The same newspaper detailing the exploits of The Phantom Thief.

Suddenly nervous, she went with the simplest way to break the tension. "Well you're looking Sirius today."

Sirius smiled but didn't laugh.

'Oh god oh fuck, he knows.'

"So I decided to drop in and check on you at the Dursley's a few days ago. Only, you weren't there. Hadn't been there in some time. Although your relatives seem to believe you have been for some reason."

Oh no. "That's strange."

"Very strange" he agreed, "they were rather confused about where you were. Although, what Petunia was quite clear about was blaming you for her missing jewelry."

"You know most wizards never read the muggle news? Funny story, I was walking around London worried out of my mind about you when I saw the paper. And I thought 'that couldn't possibly have anything to do with Holly, could it?' So I went to check and sure enough, your scent was there."

Here it is. He was going to throw her out and expose her. Why was she so stupid to believe he'd care about her?

"Now I'm wondering how you didn't get caught doing underage magic because, last I checked, you're only 13."

Holly Potter: The Bookish, Burgling, Badass (Hp x Mcu) by Personfour Where stories live. Discover now