Chapter 8: Year Three (III)

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A heist is plotted, a greasy git gets a POV, and Holly breaks several laws.


This is probably my favorite chapter I've posted so far, its got a bit of everything I love writing in this fic.

I bumped up the rating of the fic this chapter for violence and implications of pedophilia. It might be a bit premature but I'd rather do it too early.

Holly spent the next few days stalking Gryffindors between classes. Their common room was also in a tower but password protected, not a riddle like her own. And frankly, it was easy to find for a supposedly secret room.

What was the point of making them secret anyways? Hell, what was the point of sorting them in the first place? That's just asking for conflict. But that wasn't important right now.

She watched as they said the password "Flibbertigibbet" and the painting swung open.

Later that night she was pacing in the Room while plotting her break in.

She could shapeshift into a Gryffindor student, give the password, then start searching? Stunning a student would be easy. As would be changing the colors on her robes. But then people would try to talk to her and she'd blow her cover.

She could use the Cloak and sneak in after someone? That'd be easy. Not so easy would be walking through a busy common room without bumping someone. Or opening a door without someone noticing.

There was a Gryffindor quidditch game on Saturday. Their common room would probably be nearly empty then. That'd make the Cloak-

Holly abruptly stopped pacing and slowly turned towards the nearest wall. Or, what used to be a solid wall. Now there was a tunnel with red and gold Gryffindor lions flanking it.

"It was that simple the whole time? Are you kidding me? Whoever made the Room was obviously a genius but did not think through all the implications. I really hope it can't get into any bedrooms. You got that Room? No helping perverts."

Although... wasn't she planning on breaking into them right now?

Hmm. Best not to think about that.

After several minutes of walking there was a dead end with only a peephole in it. Trying and failing not to feel like a pervert, she looked through.

On the other side there were at several dozen gryffindors relaxing in what was obviously their common room. Everything was red and gold. The walls, floors, furniture, everything. At least Ravenclaw's was more subtle. Obnoxiously colored or not, there was a warm and cozy feeling there that Ravenclaw's room was lacking. Maybe because they were less restrained, not all quietly buried in their books.

Sure enough, there was Granger completely focused on a book. By the fireplace was the formerly possessed Weasley girl, Ginny she now knew, along with several others who must be her siblings. The prankster twins were clearly putting on some kind of show for a few others. She vaguely recalled them trying to talk to her 1st year and ignoring them. The youngest boy was playing chess with a rat in his lap while the oldest was trying and failing to get the twins attention.

Was that what a normal family was like? Probably not considering there were far more of them than average. If she wasn't famous people would probably think she was a Weasley with her red hair.

How the entirety of "Magical Britain" seemingly had only one redhead family she had no clue. Probably something to do with inbreeding and lack of genetic diversity.

She ignored the odd feeling in her chest and studying the room. It wasn't too different from the Ravenclaw dorms, all things considered. Sure enough there were two visible sets of stairs leading to what she assumed were dormitories.

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