Chapter 17: Year Four (VI)

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Holly takes Extreme Measures, gives a speech using a makeshift soapbox, gives a shovel talk, and goes to the Yule Ball.

Or: 5k words of Holly being a complete disaster.

In the days after the dance was announced Holly started noticing how many boys were staring at her weirdly. Anytime she looked back they'd blush and rapidly look away. Bringing it up to Hermione had her receiving a Look.

"Holly," she explained slowly, "those boys probably are considering asking you to the Ball. Everyone knows you only talk to me and that you certainly don't have a date yet. Your reputation is the only thing holding them off.  It could be worse: Fleur Delacour has been getting approached by boys nonstop about the Ball since it was announced."

Over the next few days it was obvious Hermione was right. After the first boy, whose name she didn't even know, asked her to the dance it opened the floodgates. Suddenly she was constantly being approached by boys she didn't think she'd even seen before asking to go together to the dance.

At least it gave her a chance to use her new strength: when one boy put a hand on her shoulder she judo flipped him.

Holly hadn't seen him again since.

Back in the Room Holly was enjoying the break from wannabe dance partners and complaining to Hermione. "I've never even spoken to any of them! I don't even know their names or faces! Why would they want to go with me?"

Without bothering to look up she answered. "Holly, I may not be gay but even I can recognize you're one of the more attractive girls in year. Add in your fame and prodigal talent and this is the result. I imagine nearly any single boy would be willing to go with you. Maybe even a few girls too."

"Well shit." Only, that phrasing sparked a potential solution for her. "I don't suppose you'd want to go together as friends?"

Hermione looked apologetic, "sorry but I was already asked by Neville Longbottom."

"The Herbology prodigy? Good for you. Guess I need to find someone else that's tolerable then."


At least adjusting to her newfound strength was going well.

The first day after taking her elixir Holly spent every free moment in the Room learning to control her strength with simple tasks: cardio exercise, taking on and off a buttoned shirt, and practicing grip strength.

Thankfully she was able to adjust quickly: magic was intent after all. If she wanted to use her enhanced strength she had to want to apply more force. After a couple days she was able to give a wary-looking Hermione a tight hug without hurting her.

She didn't have perfect control yet, but she wouldn't be accidently break anyone or anything. Hopefully she'd continue to improve with time.

Why couldn't finding someone tolerable be that easy?


It was a few days later when the universe seemed to hear desperate pleas.

Holly and Hermione were walking out of the great hall when they saw the youngest Weasley boy shout out his invitation to the dance at Fleur. Not even a second later he blushed, stammered out something incomprehensible, and stumbled away with someone supporting him. Specticle finished, the crowd quickly dispersed leaving an annoyed looking Fleur alone.

Holly, in a stroke of brilliance (or veela allure) saw the answer to all her problems. Hermione, clearly seeing what was about to happen, hissed at her to stop but Holly shrugged her off.

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