Chapter 20: Year Four (IX)

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Holly unintentionally helps the entire world purely out of spite, competes in the 3rd Task, has a very awkward conversation with a Dark Lord, and makes more questionable decisions than usual.


Just like in canon, this is when things will start taking a darker turn. I doubt it's a surprise to anyone but I still feel like I should say something here. Expect more graphic violence then in canon. This isn't a complete fix-it no matter how it might've seemed so far.

It was two days before the third task and Holly was finally taking her potions NEWT exam. She ignored the constant glances of everyone else in the room, only focusing on Snape standing at the front of the room with an unfathomable expression.

When the exams were passed out she nearly snorted. 'This is the exam? This is what Snape thought I couldn't handle? That bastard is looking down on me.' She completed her exam quickly, confident in her answers. The sound of her chair scraping on stone echoed as she stood up to turn her exam in, walking up through the rows of other students.

She handed in her exam while giving Snape a death glare, the bastard only raising an eyebrow in response. One of the elderly proctors looked like he might've started saying something but Holly quickly turned and left before he could start.

A few hours later it was time for the practical portion of the exam: brewing wolfsbane. It was one of the more difficult potions, but well within her abilities. She quickly got into The Zone, methodically working on her potion and even making a minor alteration.

Some time later she finished her brewing, turning off the burner and wiping the sweat from her brow. Glancing up she was startled to see Snape and the geriatric looking proctors staring at her cauldron with interest.

Snape was the first to ask, "Potter, what did you do?"

"I added a vanilla pod. It should taste better without altering the effectiveness."

Snape's expression gave away nothing but the proctors looked impressed. "Well done, miss Potter, well done indeed. You've taught her well, Severus."

Snape sneered and for once Holly agreed: that bastard hadn't taught her anything.

Only, then Snape's expression shifted, an odd malicious look in his eye. She knew what that look meant and readied herself.

"Potter, how would you cure werewolves?"

For a second Holly (and everyone else in hearing range) could only stare.

She knew what he was doing.

'He's trying to make me look stupid in from of them! Trying to make them fail me! This is his last chance to make me look stupid so he's doing it with an audience. He knows he's asking a seemingly impossible question. That petty bastard.'

'You know what? Fuck it, I'll answer it. I'll beat that bastard at his own game.'

She looked down and took a moment to think before finally responding, "lycanthropy is theorized to have first been created by a failed attempt at an animagus ritual using blood magic before it spread by bite. The reason its been impossible to cure so far isn't because its such a powerful curse, but because its anchored in their very blood. The solution to that is simple: you need to dilute their blood."

Holly Potter: The Bookish, Burgling, Badass (Hp x Mcu) by Personfour Where stories live. Discover now