Chapter 1: A butterfly flaps its wings

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Tea is spilled, Holly accidently reads a mind, impulsively makes a world-altering decision, and finds her calling.

To say that Holly Potter was having an unusual day was something of an understatement. Not that it was unusual for her guardians to yell at her. That was quite normal. So was getting hit.

No, what was unique today was Uncle Vernon's exceptionally bad mood. The words weren't clear, but between hits he was blaming her for something.

You see, earlier that day something happened. Something so ordinary and mundane it seemingly wouldn't matter at all. But like the butterfly flapping its wings and causing a hurricane, this action changed everything.

Today Vernon Dursley accidently bumped into his boss and spilled tea on him.

With his boss in a bad mood Vernon failed to receive a promotion hours later. Naturally, Vernon Dursley blamed this on freakishness from that girl. So he went home and took his temper out on her. Violently.

And after he beat Holly she triggered accidental magic that would change her life forever.


As Uncle Vernon stomped away, Holly was suddenly filled with an overwhelming desire to know why. Why did she get blamed for everything? Why did they hate her? Why did she have to live in the cupboard? Why was such a freak? Why was Dudley treated so much better?

Holly stared up at her aunt, wanting nothing more than to pluck the truth from her aunt's mind. The moment that thought occurred to her, she felt a rush of something, and her head was filled with knowledge that wasn't hers. Foreign thoughts flooded her mind and she had her answers.

Her Aunt hated her because she had magic and so did her parents. Not what Holly was expecting but it explained why odd things happened around her.

Holly looked up to see her Aunt rubbing her forehead. Knowing she needed to get out of sight, she forced her body upright and hobbled back into her cupboard. Better to escape now before she could be blamed for anything else.

Back in the cupboard, she wrapped her arms around her legs and thought over her new knowledge.

The Dursleys hated her, that she had already known. It was obvious. What was new is knowing why. That she had magic and that made her an inhuman freak to them. That Aunt Petunia hated her because, even though she couldn't admit it, she was still jealous of her sister. That she would never be good enough.

And that it would never change.

They would never love her.

Once she accepted the truth the next step was obvious: she needed to get away. Her 11th birthday was only 3 weeks away and, unless her aunt's memories were wrong, her Hogwarts letter would come before then. In a couple months she'd have a new place to live and be taught to use her magic.

Holly felt strangely calm waiting in the dark. She took off her bloodied clothes, wiped the drying blood off her face, and put on clean ones. There was a cool feeling slowly spreading through her body and it relieved her pain. Probably magic somehow. She didn't understand but was grateful. Soon after the feeling faded, her body felt normal.

Once she heard Aunt Petunia start making dinner she crept out of her cupboard, grabbing what few clothes she did own in her arms. She stuffed them into one of Dudley's old backpacks, grabbed his coat, and moved into the master bedroom.

Holly opened her Aunt's jewelry cabinet and dumped everything into the backpack. She knew it was pointless to take since she couldn't pawn it, but she was feeling petty. She snagged the cash from Uncle Vernon's wallet, crept back downstairs, and out the front door.

Holly Potter: The Bookish, Burgling, Badass (Hp x Mcu) by Personfour Where stories live. Discover now