chapter 26

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Before she can run away from him. He catched her in his hold. Almost like he predicted her next move. In dread she took the tattoo gun and slammed it with his head. There was pin drop silence it was unexpected in shock he lossen his hold on her. That's the chance she needed. When he had fallen on ground from the impact. In state of haste she run out of her room. She had to think quickly. Just as she was stepping down the stairs she saw maids cleaning the dining room.

They will not let her run. Where can she go? Where he can't find her? What's the one place he will never think of searching in his own mansion. She was taking huge risk but she had no other option. She quickly went to his room. Her hands were shivering to open the door. Slowly she stepped inside. It was huge...

There was not single colourful thing in his room. It almost looked lifeless. She never expected to set her foot inside his room. But
the set of circumstances led her here. She silently slid inside his bed. How long he will be unconscious? What he will do once he remembers what she did? All the questions made her petrified.

She woked up shocked. Almost she didn't believed how can she slept in situation like this. She was not alone in his room. She can almost sense his present.

"I want you to find her in whatever place she is hiding in. I want her in my sight in 2 hours. If u didn't find her I will kill your wife. Clock is tickling tick tock"

She put her hands on her mouth. She was sobbing quietly. What now? She can't be reason to someone's death. She started hearing voices of mirror breaking.

"Where are you hiding Emily?" She heard him shouting. He was very furious. She shivered in fear. She knew she had only two options
Stay where she is and let someone die
Stand in-front of him and face his anger....
She didn't had the will to accept any of these. Why she had no other choice?

In both cases she was the one at receiving end of his wrath. She knew herself the place she was hiding was not a solution to her problem. It was better she stand infront of him and face the consequences

No matter how cruel they will be....

Hello how are you all? I am extremely sick right now.

But I wrote this chapter any how, I don't like to keep you all waiting for too long...

Please like and comment more. I find it hard to write without any support.

one thing you would do if you find yourself in Emily place?
Waiting for your interesting answers ;)

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