chapter 18

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Her tears didn't seem to stop. Each breath she took it was more in fear than last one. It has been few minutes since he left. No matter how much she tried to get free from the bed she couldn't.

Suddenly she heard the door opening. He entered the room with a burning rod in hand.
She started screaming "Please forgive me. Don't do this to me"
He chuckled in dark tone "Some lesson are need to be learned in life. And this lesson will teach u to never even try to escape me"

She felt the rod on her foot. She screamed like she never before. The rod burned her skin.
Just as she tried to pull her leg. He hold her leg in tight grip. The more she tried the tighter his grip become. She felt her face grabbed roughly "If u don't stop screaming in next two seconds I will burn ur another leg"

Time seemed to be stopped for her. Pain was the only thing she was feeling. She couldn't let out another scream. She felt her hands and legs getting free. She didn't tried to move again. She didn't had courage left to do anything.

He striped her clothes. She didn't let out single voice. She saw him grabbing his belt. Her heart stopped in fear. How much more can she bear? The first whipped of the belt on her was unbearable. She let out small cry. But one look from him made her shut her mouth. She was whipped by him 20 times. Each whip was more harsh than previous one.He closed the distance between them and whispered in her ears "You are mine. Each breath and pain of yours is mine. If you ever tried this escaping stunt again. Your leg is only burned this time....
Next time I will break them for good"

Not even single thought crossed her mind. For the first time in her life she felt dead inside. She knew from this moment her life will never be same again. Because she didn't owned her life

He did.

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