chapter 2

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She knew no one will come to rescue her as his room was located in last floor of mansion. She thought of apologising again "I am sorry sir, it will not happen again"
He kept staring at her and asked "For how long you are working here?."
She quickly replied "4 years."
For once he had a confused expression on his face he again questioned"What is your age?"
She felt uneasy about his question but decided to answer anyway "20"

His expression had turned into satisfactory one. Then He ordered her in low tone "You will not leave without asking my permission. Whenever you are in my presence or you will not like the consequences Is this understood?."
She was feeling petrified of him. she audibly said "Yes Sir"
Just as Alex was about to ask her something else. His phone rang she felt relief by hearing his phone rang, it increased when he went to get his phone. Leaving her by the door.
She was feeling uncomfortable by his presence. And also it dawned on her she still had to clean other rooms. She quickly left from his room. Completely forgetting what he said to her earlier.

Alex was a born spoil brat he got everything he wanted from young age. But it didn't mean he was not ambitious or cunning in business world. At the age of 26 he had a build his own company without taking any help from his parents. In business world his reputation was kept by his well known torture techniques. He was a private person. This was the reason he didn't stayed at his parents house in years and he had his own private mansion but his mom constant nagging about not giving time to them. Made him decide to stay at their place for few days.

First thing he done was to meet his parents after talking with them for sometime. Than he went to his room. But he saw a young girl making his bed. He was familiar with the staff which worked for his parents but he don't remember seeing her. When the girl turned he thought his breath knocked out from him for second. She was beautiful. She had dark brown hairs which were kept in messy bun. Her hairs suited her pale skin and her brown eyes. Her lips looked so tempting. He wanted to taste them.
After warning her. He was about to ask if she had a boyfriend but his phone rang as he went to pick up and it was his assistant asking about new Italian deal. Ordering him about the step to be taken. He cut the call when He turned around and found her missing he was furious.

A sinister smile came on his face. Now he will taught her what happens when someone disobey him.

Can this chapter get 5 votes and comments. I had shit day today. And you would get next chapter update.

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