chapter 11

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She woke up in late afternoon. She was feeling sore at every inch of her body. It took few seconds for her to remember what happened last night. It was most horrible night of her life she lost her innocence.

She wanted to cry but it felt like everything in her was crying expect her eyes. As if Alex had taken her tears.... It all belonged to him last night. She decided to take bath first her body still felt his touch even after hours.

The bathroom was quite large same as her bedroom. She didn't care about his luxury but her feet stopped when she saw herself in mirror. Her neck and chest were filled with hickies red and black he didn't leaved an inch of her unmarked. Her thighs had his hand marks and her lips were bitten. She remembered how he forced her to say she was his again and again till it was all she remembered.

She hated the person she saw in the mirror weak and broken. She rushed to shower and she scrubbed herself till her skin turned red. Then she stood in the hot shower for time she didn't cared to notice. But she still felt unwashed. She wore her clothes and left the bathroom.

In the bedroom she saw Anna was waiting for her with lunch. But she didn't had any appetite for food. She simply just ignored Anna. She wanted to be alone just to breathe and decide what she should do next. She quietly requested Anna "Leave me alone, I am not feeling hungry"

"But u have not eaten anything since morning, please have lunch" She ignored Anna as if she didn't heard what she told her. After some more convincing when she didn't replied Anna left her alone. She was reliefed not to share company with anyone. Because no one can understand what she was going through.

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