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Over the years as a lecturer, I have always set clear boundaries between lecturers and students

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Over the years as a lecturer, I have always set clear boundaries between lecturers and students. There are no conversations outside of academics, let alone meetings outside campus. I also never want to accept gifts from students, no matter how small. I have always adhered to this principle until now.

It never occurred to me to make an exception for one of my students.

Her name is Reniella Ellis, a new student at the Faculty of Economics majoring in Accounting. At first I thought she was 17 or 18 years old like her other classmates. But after looking at her birth year in the student database, I found out that she was already 20 years old.

Her petite body and small face make her not look younger than her age.

To the naked eye, there was nothing special about the girl. She is beautiful, but there are many more beautiful than her. Regarding intelligence, she also doesn't stand out too much in my class. Regarding behavior, she is far from good. She also looks like a loner. Every time I passed her, she always walked alone.

Not suprisingly. With her curt and cold nature, other people would definitely be reluctant to befriends with her.

In my eyes, she was just one of many female students who were trying to get my attention.

If another female student tried to get my attention by acting flirtatiously, then she used another method, namely by being impudent and as if she was deliberately provoking my anger. But unfortunately, I wasn't affected in the slightest.

That was my assessment of her before I got to know her better. A small accident involving me and her one morning was the start of it all.

Since the accident, our meetings have become increasingly intense because I have to take responsibility for my negligence which injured her leg.

After I found out about the girl's background, I  understood why she had a cold nature, was easily irritated, and was curt when she spoke.

Living in poverty and alone is certainly not something easy for a young girl like her. She must really struggle to face the harshness of this worldand the evil people around her. It was this harsh way of life that ultimately shaped her into an ' untouchable ' person.

I am no longer angry or annoyed if she is rude to meas her lecturer. I no longer see her as a rebellious girl who likes attention. In my eyes, she was just a fragile girl who needed love and protection.

After several intense days of meeting her, for some reason, it felt like something was missing without being with her. I don't know what magic that young girl has so that I can easily break the life principles that I have held so firmly all this time just for her sake.

I don't even understand how to explain it.

In the last few days, I often wake up in the middle of the night and think about how things are going. Is she okay or not, what if she has trouble walking to the bathroom and faints again like a few days ago, what if a bad person comes into her room, and various other negative thoughts.

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