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Please excuse any misspellings or typos.

~ Charmed 

Amahle's POV

After Mrs.Ruiz dropped that pipe bomb on the entire courtroom, Judge Willams asked for Sam to take the stand for some questions.

"Ms. West, we know that you and the defendant, Mr.Sanchez got together when he was with the plaintiff, Ms.Simmons. Can you tell the court about the night Mr.Sanchez visited your hotel room?" Mrs.Ruiz questioned while looking over at Samantha.

Sam took a deep breath before nervously looking over Michael and looking back at Mrs.Ruiz, she shifted in her seat before speaking.

"The night Mr.Sanchez came to my room, he was acting a bit off. I was too naive and caught in the moment to question him about it, so we continued the night like any other night."
I lowly scoffed.

"Hmm, okay. Can you tell the court about the next day?" Mrs.Ruiz asked while tilting her head. I held my breath.

"Yes, the next day, we woke up to Mr.Sanchez's phone ringing. He answered it and left out in a hurry. Later that day, we had to meet back at the arena for some promo shots and gear sizing, and when Mr.Sanchez and Ms.Simmons appeared, everyone could sense the tension between them. Ms.Simmons wore oversized clothes and shades. I talked about her because, it was almost 100 degrees outside." she stated, before pausing a glancing over at me. I nodded at her to continue,

"When the show was about to start, I found Ms.Simmons crying in the locker-room. At that moment, although we hated each other, but when I was about to ask what was wrong, she looked at me, her eyes were blacked and she had bruises and dark marks around her neck and arms." She stated before briefly pausing. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as I blatantly remembered the moment.

"Amahle? A-Are you okay?" Sam stuttered from behind me, scaring me. I quickly wiped my eyes and took a quick breath before putting on my RB face before turning around to face her.

"Y-Yeah." I stammered, trying to hold in my emotions. It took everything in me not to break down in front of her.

"He did this to you?" she questioned, with a shocked look on her face. I dropped my expression and held my head down. My curls covered my face as tears dropped from my bruised eyes.

She walked over to me, and I looked up and glared at her. She held her hands up, "Whoa. I-I-I just want-"

"You just wanted to what? You're the reason I'm like this!" I yelled at her, causing her to jump back. "YOU are the reason why I get my ass beat, when I try to leave!" My lip quivered as my eyes ached, from the bruising .

"Look, Amahle. Please, calm down. I didn't know." she begged. I wiped my tears, and turned my back to her. I grabbed my title, knee pads and sunglasses and turned back around.

Sam stood there like a sad puppy with its tail between it's legs. I glared at her before walking passed her.
"Amahle, wait." she called out. I stopped and rolled my eyes, before turning back to her.

"I'm sorry." she whispered while biting her bottom lip.

"Oh. I know." my voice cracked, as I turned back and grabbed the knob of the door. Before walking out I paused, "And Samantha, You can have him. You won." I said, while walking out the door. I placed my sunglasses on and walked down the hallway, until I reached Jade's locker-room.

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