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Enjoy ! 

⚠️Please be advised that italicized paragraphs, will be flashbacks that may consists of Mental, Emotional or Sexual abuse, with a scene of Miscarrying. ⚠️Omniscient POV

After Amahle's testimony, the energy in the court room was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. She was embarrassed as she testified and relived the agonizing moments Michael had put her through.

Once her lawyer finished questioning her about the events of the first time he abused her, his lawyer wanted to interject by asking questions about the same events.

"Your honor, May I ask Miss Simmons a few questions ?" Michael's lawyer questioned with a smug smirk on his face. Amahle dabbed under her eyes, to keep the tears from rolling down her cheeks.

"Proceed, Mr. Matthews." Judge Williams acknowledged after jotting down something on her note pad. He cleared his throat and walked up to the stand, earning a side-eye from Amahle. She noticed how weird he was being and awkwardly shifted in her seat.

"It's okay, Miss Simmons." he softly spoke, with a wiry smile on his face. Mentally Amahle was scolding him. He gave her weird vibes. 

"Miss Simmons, when you found out about Mr.Sanchez's affairs. Why didn't you leave?" he interrogated. Amahle dabbed her nose with the tissue, to keep her nose from running. By now her makeup was messed up. 

"I didn't leave because he threatened to kill me if I took any chance to." She answered while glaring at Michael. Whom was glaring back at her. 

"And do you have proof of that Miss Simmons?" 

Amahle looked at him confused, her eyebrows drawn together. 

'Is he fucking serious?' 

 She looked over at her lawyer, Mrs.Ruiz nodded her head. As they previously rehearsed before, if the question did come into play. 

"Yes, I do. Mrs.Ruiz has all the messages and police reports from all the times he threatened me." 

Judge Williams cleared her throat stopping Mr.Matthews from saying anything else. 
"Mrs. Ruiz do you have the evidence?" she asked. Mrs. Ruiz grabbed the five pieces of paper that had copies of all the texts and police reports. 

"Bailiff, grab that please." Judge Williams instructed. Bailiff Cannon waltzed over to her and grabbed the papers, and made his way over to the Judge and handed them to her. 

She looked through them and her eyes bulged. Looking up at Michael, her face was unreadable. 
Scooting the papers to the side, she folded her hands in front of her. 

"Mr. Matthews is your client aware that in the state of Georgia, that it can result in a felony charge?" 

Mr.Matthews looked over at the Judge and nodded his head. 

"Your Honor, both my client and I understand the laws of threatening someone... But what if I say Miss Simmons, was the first to threaten Mr.Sanchez?" he rebutted. Amahle's cocked her head back and scrunched her face. A rupture of low murmurs erupted in the courtroom as Michael smirked. 

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