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Tazuna looked over to Kakashi. "Sensei, I have to talk to you." Kakashi looked back at Tazuna, listening. "It's about this mission...You're right, this job is most likely outside of your duties. It turns out that a super dangerous man is after my life."

"Super dangerous man?" Kakashi spoke, "Who?"

"You've probably at least heard his name before.." All of us looked in his direction, listening 

intrigued. "He is the wealthy shipping magnate... A man named Gatou."

"Huh?! Gatou? From that Gatou company? He's said to be one of the world's few extremely 

wealthy people." Kakashi said, his eye widening ever so slightly.

"Yes.." Tazuna spoke once more "Officially, he runs a large shipping company, but secretly sells drugs and other illegal items. He uses ninjas and gang members to take over businesses and countries. He is a very nasty man." Tazuna sighed, thinking back. "It was about a year ago when he set his eyes on the wave country. Through money and violence, he quickly took control of the country's shipping industry. Gatou now has a monopoly on all business traffic in the country. 

The only thing that he has to fear right now is the completion of the bridge."

"I see...Since you're building the bridge, you're in the way." Sakura listened to his explanation.

"So, those ninjas were hired by Gatou?" Sasuke asked, looking over to Tazuna.

I rolled my eyes, glancing at Naruto. He looked confused. Of course, he doesn't get it...

"Of course they were, who else would hire them?" I responded to Sasuke. It was obvious and a really stupid question to ask.

"But what I don't understand is... If you know ninjas could be after you, why hide that fact when 

you hired us?" All of us followed Tazuna as Kakashi spoke.

"The wave country is poor. Even the feudal lord has no money. Of course, we don't have much money either. Not enough for a B-rank mission. If you quit the mission now, I will definitely be killed. But don't worry about that!! If I die, my cute 10-year-old grandson will just cry for a few days!!" Tazuna smiled at us. "Oh yeah, and my daughter will live a sad life hating leaf village shinobi forever! But it won't be your fault, not at all!"

God, this guy talks too much. Trying to guilt-trip us too? That's low. Aya hissed slightly, sensing the manipulation tactic as well. This guy's an asshole. He's going to get a bunch of Genin killed for a mission that isn't even their skill level yet. I know I wanted a better mission but this isn't what I meant just yet. I sighed, looking over to Kakashi to see his response.

Kakashi and the rest of the group looked stressed, I guess guilt-tripping did work on us after all..."Well, I guess we have no choice. We will protect you at least until you get back to your country,"

Soon we were on a boat, currently heading to Tazuna's home village. I sat by Naruto, listening to the waves as Oskar shook in my lap. I pet the pup, trying to calm him down. This was his first boat ride, after all, it made sense he was scared.

"What a thick mist I can't see ahead." Tazuna spoke. "We should see the bridge soon. The wave country is at the base of it." He looked back at us as the sailor took us to shore slowly.

"Wow! It's huge!" Naruto smiled, looking at the bridge as he did so. Oskar whimpered and curled 

up tighter on my lap.

"Hey, be quiet. Why do you think we are hiding in the mist instead of using the engine?" The sailor spoke in a hushed voice to Naruto. "We'll be there soon."I rolled my eyes, feeling Aya curl up next to me, resting his head by Oskar to try to comfort the nervous pup. I reached into my pocket, grabbing a couple of treats for the pup, putting my hand down for him to eat them as I pet him. He graciously accepted. food seemed to calm him down a 

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