Shinobi school and Naruto

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  It is the present day. It was normal but I have heard people in class speaking about Naruto vandalizing the mountain carvings of the hokage.

I sat by Kiba who seemed to be the only person that Tolerated me on a daily basis at this point. Ino did as well but she's too focused on Sasuke. He respected my pronouns, though confused about my feelings and why I needed them to be different than normal. He only said them around me, Ino, and his family due to me wanting to keep it private for the time being. I was scared of being judged and we've been doing this for a couple years now. My hair was long and on my back. My reasoning for this was that it was more comfortable and warm. I would have cut it off if something wasn't keeping me from doing so.  If I didn't let the reptile get its way I would have it chopped to almost a buzz cut.

   A yawn escaped my lips. This school was interesting but I was tired. The reptile bothered me all night. It didn't let me get a wink of sleep.
   I stared before widening my eyes when Naruto was tied up in front of Iruka-sensei. Oh this is going to be interesting isn't it? I felt something shift in my chest. It was intriguing too. The little reptile was peeking its head through the window of my eyes just to watch the poor boy get yelled at by a man he looked up to.

  The reptile enjoyed it. It never liked Naruto, likely due to his behavior. I liked him though. He seemed like a nice boy in my eyes.

  I leaned my cheek into my hand, holding my head up by my arm as I watched. My eyes were fighting to stay awake but I did find this intriguing enough to watch. Other students were chattering among themselves while I watched. Kiba didn't expect me to speak to him. I was practically a select mute during class, rather paying attention to my surroundings than engage in meaningless talk.

"Fine, because you missed it Naruto everyone will review the transformation jutsu!" I watched in silence. Being one of the few that hadn't said 'awh' in sadness of the fact we were going to redo something so small and tedious. I liked getting practice in, but I sadly joined in on the remorse for having to do this.

I watched everyone transform, listening to everyones complaints and Sakuras fawning over Sasuke. What caught my attention was Naruto becoming a...Woman? He had become a female embodiment of himself and made Sensei blush. Red streaming from his nose. Admittedly I understood the perviness of Iruka-Sensei. I had found Naruto's female form quite amusing myself. I stifled a small giggle at this, covering my mouth with my sleeve. Out of everyone here, Naruto and Kiba were the ones I fancied the most.

Naruto's transformation was not only just a woman version of himself. He was naked with only smoke covering his private areas. He was thinner and taller, hair put up in pigtails. Iruka practically screamed at Naruto as he was lecturing him about how that was in appropriate.

"Sensei, I quite liked that jutsu. It seems useful with how it stunned you." I let myself talk and giggle finally. Sensei and kiba stared as if watching the blind open their eyes and see. I never spoke in class. Especially if it was related to someone that wasn't my friend. Why speak up now?

My voice was soft and almost like Hinatas. I only spoke like this due to not being confident in my voice though.

I stood amused, however, when Iruka started lecturing me for encouraging Naruto. I hadn't even noticed the boy watching me. He was taking in how I looked, long messy white hair with a gold hue to it. Eyes that spoke thousands. They were an usual color, a pretty shade of yellow. Almost pastel like Rose gold. How quiet I was compared to the others.

That's really everything interesting that happened, yeah? The rest of class was just people mumbling to each other while iruka tried to teach. I couldn't help but notice small glances at me during it though.

I did hear talk about Naruto having to clean the paint off of the statues of the hokage though. I was walking around, moving to the statues and climbing up it when I saw them. "Hey! Can I help?" I called to Iruka and Naruto. Naruto was working hard, maybe Iruka promised him ramen.

"Kane? You don't have to." Iruka smiled and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand as Naruto scrubbed away at the paint. "You can if you want though.."
Naruto looked at me with hopeful eyes, smiling and going back to scrubbing.
I basically jumped over to where they were, taking a sponge in hand and scrubbing the paint with Naruto "Id love to!" I looked at Naruto "so are you?" Oh god this was awkward now. The reptile screamed to walk away but I rejected its request.

"I'm doing great Kane-Chan! Say uhm..why are you helping?" He has a nice voice. He sounded genuinely happy and surprised that I wanted to talk to him.

"Why wouldn't I? Im bored and I want to help!" I giggled "you seemed like you needed it too." I felt Irukas stare on me.

He smiled looking over to our sensei "Say, Iruka-sensei! Can we bring Kane along with us to get ramen when we're done?" He had a big grin on his face as he asked, adjusting his goggles on his forehead. I looked over to Iruka for a response.

"She can come." He chuckled with a smile on his face at the fact Naruto has made a friend

"You don't have to take me, Id rather not be a bother.."

"You wont be a bother, Kane."

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