Team 7

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  Today our teams are chosen. I glanced at Kiba "I hope we're on the same team." I sighed, resting my hand on my chin and leaning into it.

"Yeah, Akumaru and Oskar could hang out more then." He chuckled. I glanced away, shrugging. I wasn't going to try to make Oskar into a dog shinobi. I'd train him for emergencies in case something happens at the village but otherwise he was going to be a normal pup. A cute pup at that."I heard Naruto caused a scene last night." He started off again, trying to catch my attention from my zoned out state. It seemed to work at least a little.

"What about?" I looked over to him, tilting my head slightly. I always seemed to do that when I was Interested or confused. It was a small habit and gesture but it was noticeable.

"No clue." He answered, glancing around the room. Both of our eyes snapped to the door at Ino and Sakura's entry. They were practically fighting over..I don't even know what they were doing. Rolling my eyes, I shifted to pet Akumaru.

"NARUTO, MOVE IT! I WANT TO SIT NEXT TO SASUKE!" I heard sakura practically yell. Naruto looked like he wasn't going to move anytime soon.


"What do you mean what?! SASUKE-KUN CAN I SIT NEXT TO YOU?!" Sakura squealed shoving past Naruto to sit by him.

"Is she okay in the head?" I nudged Kiba to look at the scene.

"No clue to be honest." He chuckled.

The snake hadn't made an appearance in a while, I was surprised it didn't pop up to say something about her being too boy crazy because 'all girls are.'

I watched as Naruto jumped onto the table with an almost cat like precision in front of Sasuke. They both glared into each other's eyes. It certainly felt wrong to watch. They were so close it almost felt romantic.

I giggled around the thought. It was funny, but from watching their interactions in the past I can attest that there is absolutely no romance going on between them.

I glance to Kiba for a moment before he taps me and points over. They were..kissing? They both looked utterly horrified and disgusted as they pulled away. Naruto looked like he was going to puke as Sakura yelled bloody murder at him. He didn't even notice until he turned around. For the next five minutes or so, my entertainment for the hour was watching Sakura beat the everliving hell out of Naruto. This got both me and the snake to giggle. She's annoying but she does have a nice punch...

Iruka-Sensei now stood at the room. Naruto looked beat whilst the rest of us listened to Iruka's words. "Starting today, all of you are real Shinobi. But you are still Genin, the hard journey that lies ahead has only just begun."

"You will all soon get missions to help the villiage. You will be placed in three man squads. I however, we are uneven. There will be one four man squad out of all of you." He looked around the room. I tried not to notice how his eyes lingered on me as he said this. "Each team will have a Jounin Sensei." Oh god, I hoped I was placed with my father..

"You will follow your sensei's instructions in order to successfully complete your missions...!" He finished off, taking out his clipboard.

There was some chatter amongst us students about who would end up on the four-man team. I assumed that Naruto would not want to be with Sasuke. I overheard other people saying who they would, and would not want to be teamed up with. In my honest opinion, I don't really care who's on my team.

I just hope whoever was on my team would have decent teamwork skills. Kakashi had always told me that teamwork was key. I wanted to be on a team with Kiba. those two were my only concerns.

"we tried to balance each teams strengths" Iruka-sensei spoke again. He started speaking, I zoned out a bit during this. Until he said "Okay, Next is team Seven."

"Sakura Haruno, Naruto Uzumaki," Naruto yelled with glee while sakura sulked. "Sasuke Uchiha," he continued and Naruto and Sakuras roles were swapped. Oh they're going to make a horrible team. "And Kane Hatake."

"WHAT?!" I almost stood up, Sakura interrupted me before I could voice my concerns. "Why is she on our team?! She's-"

Another interruption. It almost seemed purposeful and I was grateful it happened. Naruto stood "IRUKA SENSE!!! WHY DOES AN OUT-STANDING SHINOBI LIKE ME... ..HAVE TO BE ON THE SAME TEAM AS THAT PRICK OVER THERE?!!" He pointed at Sasuke accusingly.

"Sasuke's grades were second best out of all of the graduates. Yours were dead last, Naruto."

"Second best?" Sasuke peeked up his head in question "You must have misspoken."

"No, Sasuke I did not." Iruka spoke to the boy. Sasuke looked angry at this fact.

"Who was first?"

"Hatake." Iruka motioned to me. Sasuke gave me a threatening glare as Iruka went on about the other teams.

"Don't get in my way." I heard him mumble to Naruto. "Neither of you." His glare returned to me. It was returned with my own.

Somewhere in a dim room, the jounins in charge of us were together with the Hokage. "Are you sure a Four-man team is okay, Lord Hokage?.." someone asked, glancing at Kakashi whom stood still. "I don't think even a joinin can handle all four of them on one team..." said person persisted.

"I am sure he can handle them. His daughter is amongst them and I've thought this through carefully.." the Hokage responded. "Kane is very well behaved."

"Son, Lord Hokage." Kakashi respectfully nodded his head as he corrected him.

"Right, Son." He nods at Kakashi's correction. He hadn't really adjusted to the change yet.


It was break, I sat on a roof eating a sandwich. I kicked my feet as Oskar joined by me. Maybe he should be a ninja dog after all, he got up here with me easy enough. 

I watched Naruto enter a window, which I had saw Sasuke enter a few minutes ago. I heard what sounded like fighting and then Sasuke exiting. I watched, confused, but didn't interrupt. it wasn't my business was it?
I decided it was best not to follow after Sasuke, and instead got off of the roof with Oskar. Oskar was already well trained. He seemed to be learning abnormally fast

It made me think that maybe someone trained him and then abandoned him, but that wouldn't make too much sense why abandon a perfect pup? Either way he was still young and I took care of him.

I was hoping maybe Kiba would teach me some of his Jutsu so I could do it with Oskar. We're going to save that until he's older though. We can't risk this pup getting injured.

I had walked around for long enough to notice a bunch of Naruto's running to a bathroom and fighting each other to get in. Sasuke was watching as well. I looked him confused, raising eyebrow and tilting my head as if asking him what happened.

I didn't get a response, maybe it was better that way. I turned and walked back to class. Oskar trailing behind me as he wagged his tail. Sensei was going to meet us today, we weren't informed on who it would be sadly. I really hope it is father.

[A/N]: Hey! We've got a new cover for the book! Its not too great but I drew it! Thanks to whoever saw my Tiktok and said this one would look better!

[A/N]: Hey! We've got a new cover for the book! Its not too great but I drew it! Thanks to whoever saw my Tiktok and said this one would look better!

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