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[A/N]: I am sick so this will be sort of a fluffy filler chapter. Im trying to hold my streak of posting everyday. I had a bunch of help from my boyfriend with this chapter :D

I made my way home with Kiba, messing around with my headband a bit. He offered to walk me home so we could hang out a while. We spoke for most of the walk. Mainly it was him talking about Akumaru. He also mentioned to me how he was glad we both passed the test.

I stopped walking when I heard a rustling noise coming from a nearby bush. I glanced over at to it, tilting my head. Akumaru seemed to notice as well because he did the same.

"Why'd you stop walking?" Kiba asked, looking over at the bush too. "Did you find a squirrel or something?" He joked, lightly punching my shoulder.
I shook my head. I didn't quite know what had made the noise yet. I took a step towards it, hearing the noise again. It got louder, almost like the thing that was hidden was getting closer. I was being careful, though I dropped my guard when I heard a tiny bark.

I looked back at Kiba for a moment before I began to approach the bushes. I heard them rustle again before seeing a pair of ears pop out. They looked like a dog's ears. They twitched before a head popped out of the bushes. It was a small mountain dog. It wasn't a pyrenees one like Akumaru, it was a little Bernese mountain dog. He was young, a few months old maybe.

It ran out of the bushes and then shook itself, before beginning to chase its tail. It didn't seem to be hostile at all. I let out a soft giggle and watched it. It kept chasing its own tail for a moment before looking at Kiba and I, nuzzling itself up against my leg. I crouched down and petted it, smiling softly. Akumaru barked at it moving to play.

Kiba began to pet it too, giggling when it began to lick his hand. He moved it away and wiped it in his shirt, crouching down too.

The dog acted like it hadn't seen anyone in a while. It looked like it hadn't eaten much either. It was just a small puppy. Someone probably abandoned the poor thing. I picked it up carefully, smiling a bit as I watched its tail wag.

"He looks so sad..." Kiba mumbled, patting its head. "Should we go and get the poor guy something to eat?"
I nodded and kept walking, holding onto the dog carefully.
"Should we give him a name?" Kiba asked. "It looks like... hmm..."
"Oskar." I replied. "We'll name him Oskar."
"That's a good name." Kiba nodded. "Hey, maybe him and Akumaru can be friends." He bent to pick his dog up, looking over to me.

"I'd like that. Would you mind helping me train him?" I looked over to Kiba. He said sure, helping me get some supplies for the dog.

Once we got home, Kakashi was sitting at the kitchen like this morning. He looked like he had a long day. Eyeing us with the dog. "New friend?" He motioned for us to come over.

"Yeah...I was actually planning on keeping him, if thats fine.." I looked at him, handing him the puppy. He looked at it.

"you can if you want to." He patted its head "what did you name it?" He looked to me. Kiba stood awkwardly by me.

"Oskar," I responded, "Kiba said he'd help train him" I smiled softly.

The day was great. Soon Kiba left and I went to bed. Oskar cuddled up to me as I slept. I wonder what tommorrow will look like.

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