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~~~Volturi Palace, Volterra, Italy~~~


Loki walked into her bedroom the next day, and from the corner of her eye, she could see the dress from yesterday that Caius had ravaged her in. She would have blushed if she could.

She shook her head as a shy smile played on her lips. She took her scarf off and tossed it to the general direction of her closet and took her hair out of the bun it had been in, letting the waves fall down her bare shoulders.

"You're messy." Loki spun around, to see Caius holding the scarf up. She rolled her eyes. "Being messy is a key trait of me. You'll have to get used to that." She held her hands on her hips as he sniffed the scarf, then placed it on the ground

"Now who's messy?" She muttered under her breath.

He laughed. "Amore mio, I will pick that up when I leave. You, on the other hand, still haven't picked up your dress from yesterday."

"I will. Later. Or I'll make...Demitri do it." She smiled slyly, thinking about the vampire doing laundry.

His eyes became dark, and there was aterritorial glint.

"No. No one sees that dress."

"You're protective, aren't you?" She walked over step-by-step and kissed him on the cheek. "Calm down. I'll wash it by myself. So, how are the ball preparations going?" He groaned and put his face in her neck.

Pure laughter escaped from her mouth when he started sucking.

"Stop. Don't avoid the question," she said as she gently removed his head from her neck.

He rolled his eyes. "How you tease." Then he straightened. "Well, Aro has already called a tailor for another new suit. Everyone in the palace is bending over backward for his strange obsession with parties. I expect every major coven will show."

"But why? Why a ball? So...stuffy." He smiled and held his hand out. She took it, and he twirled her unexpectedly.

"Because he wants to show you off," he said once she walked away and took her earrings off, putting them in her jewelry box on the dresser. In the mirror's reflection, he saw her confused face.

"I'm sure that to him, having an alliance with the famed Trickster is something to brag about. Personally, I don't mind the chance to show you off, My Queen." She scoffed as she turned and leaned on the dresser.

"When is the ball?" He closed his eyes, then opened them, remembering. "Oh...in two days." Her jaw dropped.

That was one of the things Caius loved about her. She had human ticks, and it was adorable to watch. She would tap her foot, widen her eyes, or clear her throat, even though she didn't need to.

It was strange, but he loved it anyway.

"I know, I know, but on the bright side, the tailor's already brought dresses for the guards. I'm sure she has something for you." Loki groaned. "Caius, I may not like balls, but even I know that you can't get ready for a ball in less than two days! It - It - It can't be done!" She cried.

He put a hand on her cheek, and it calmed her nerves instantly.

Such a human-like vampire.

"I'd dance with you even if you wore rags, amore mio." She sighed and closed her eyes, focusing on his hand. When she opened though, his widened slightly.

"They're red," he murmured. He had gotten so used to her bright blue eyes that the deep red was unsettling.

She frowned. "That shouldn't happen. Caius—" He took his hand from her cheek, and she closed her eyes again. Her eyebrows showed the slightest form of effort, and then she opened them revealing light blue.

"Do they look okay?" The slip-up worried Loki. She didn't want anyone to see what she considered an ugly side to her. A slip in her visage wasn't very assuring.

"I may need to go home," she murmured. He frowned. Now that he had seen her undone, he wanted her by his side. He didn't want him to leave, but it helped that he knew she would come back.

"You're perfect. Besides, if you leave now, you won't be prepared for the event of the century." Loki scowled. "Balls. Tawdry affairs."

"Tawdry?" Caius asked, laughing slightly.

"Tawdry," she confirmed.

He smiled. "I like you and your tawdry things," he said, drawling for added effect. She snickered sarcastically. "You're mean," she commented.

"Come on." He took her hand and held it securely in his as he walked her to the room where the tailor had set up shop in. Loki smiled at the woman, who had bright red eyes, pale porcelain skin, and dark brown hair.

She eyed her up and down, then looked at the King. They spoke in Italian for a moment, and Loki found herself frustrated that she couldn't understand them.

She established a new goal for herself: Learn Italian.

Imani was, and she could speak it beautifully, even though she only knew a little. Perhaps Loki would go to Marcus and ask him for lessons.

She was startled from her train of thought when the tailor took her hand and studied it. It was strange. She sent Caius a confused look, but he simply shook his head assuringly.

Finally, the tailor nodded, and shooed them away, as if she was the one in power. Once outside the now closed doors, Caius and Loki's laughter went from small hidden giggles to full on boisterousness.

"What was that?" Loki whispered as they interlocked their arms. He shrugged. "She's done things like that for centuries. I just sit back and let it happen. I think she's annoyed that we haven't had a need for her services in a while."

He looked at his mate as they walked, smiling fondly.

"But she seems happy to finally make a ball gown for a Queen. She's never been able to for Sulpician as she wasn't able to attend."

Loki nodded, then unexpectedly voiced one of her intrusive thoughts.


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