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~~~Forks, Washington, USA~~~


"You can't just send for the Trickster!" Edward yelled at Carlisle, who sighed, "Edward, if anyone can help us against the Volturi, it's her."

"But she's a menace! Wherever she goes, horrors and disasters soon follow." Ness frowned and looked at Bella, "Mom, who are they talking about."

"I don't know, sweetie. Edward, who is the Trickster?"

"You're being dramatic, Edward. She plays tricks, nothing more. She's not an angry god," Rose said, rolling her eyes.

Bella's eyes bulged, "God? A god? You're talking about a god?"

Emmett sighed, "Yes, Newbie. The God of Mischief. Ring a bell? Norse Mythology."

"Wait, you're talking about Loki?" Bella asked, crossing her arms. "Yes."

"Explain," Ness said.

"Carlisle, you've heard the stories! The Titanic sinking, for one. She was on that ship. All those people died because she covered her tracks. She killed over 1000 people and crashed the boat to hide it!"

"That's a rumor. No one knows if that's real or not," Carlisle said, looking at the picture in his hands.

"Wait, this Trickster sunk the Titanic?" Bella asked. "Oh, the Trickster? Man, she's fun," Emmett said, grinning.

"Who is she?" Ness asked.

"A very long time ago, a vampire was born. Born, not created. Her name is Loki. She has the gift of trickery, illusions, and most of all, misfortune. She is known to cast bad luck on people. She has the powers of a god. The reason the whole Loki-the-god-of-mischief thing started was because of her."

"Wait, so she's the actual Loki?" Bella asked.

"Not exactly. The legends were based on her. Most of the stories were made up by her. Tricks, to fool people. That's why people call her the Trickster. They're afraid of addressing her by her name. Gullible people even believe that using her name will cause bad luck to fall upon them," Edward said.

"And," He continued, "She causes disasters. 9/11, World War 1 and 2, Mount Vesuvius, and the Titanic. Even plagues. The Influenza, AIDS epidemic, and others. She's ruthless and a killer."

"Where is she?" Jasper asked, walking in, hand in hand with Alice. "Her palace, probably. After 9/11 I heard that she decided to rest," Alice said.

"A palace? Seriously? She lives in a castle?"

Carlisle frowned, "Bella, I'm warning you now; the Trickster is extremely dangerous. She is not an angry god, but she does have the will to act as one. No one on this earth could escape her tricks, they're simply too powerful. Try not to get on her bad side. No one is."

"Well, if no one is, then that means I'll have no trouble staying off of it."

"Bella, no one's on her bad side because everyone who ever did have the misfortune of angering her was killed."

If Bella could have paled, she would, "So, if she's so powerful, why haven't the Volturi gotten rid of her?"

"She doesn't commit any crimes. Well, none that they can prove. The thing about her "bad fortune" is that she never gets her hands dirty. She probably doesn't even know what'll happen, but if she wants, she could destroy the world. If it comes to a fight, she's the best weapon in the world," Edward said.

"And, the full force of her power is all speculation. We have no idea if she even exists," Emmett said, pouting.

"She does exist. And...I know her," Carlisle said.

The Trickster- Caius VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now